Council members serve on individual working committees in order to address issues specific to certain species, management, or Council affairs. Council Committees generally meet prior to full Council meetings to review and discuss proposed management plans, amendments, and other information pertaining to issues at hand. The Committees often provide recommendations to the full Council for consideration. Council Committees may work jointly with members of the appropriate advisory panels when reviewing materials and developing recommendations to the Council.
Current Council Committees
Citizen Science
Kerry Marhefka, Chair Tom Roller, Vice Chair Robert Beal Carolyn Belcher Gary Borland Amy Dukes Tim Griner Judy Helmey Lt. Marisa Kraiss Jessica McCawley Trish Murphey Robert Spottswood, Jr. Andy Strelcheck
Staff Contact
Julia Byrd
Citizen Science Program Manager
Dolphin Wahoo
Kerry Marhefka, Chair Tom Roller, Vice Chair Robert Beal Carolyn Belcher Gary Borland Amy Dukes Tim Griner Judy Helmey Lt. Marisa Kraiss Jessica McCawley Trish Murphey Robert Spottswood, Jr. Andy Strelcheck Scott Lenox, Mid-Atlantic Representative Rick Bellavance, New England Representative
Staff Contact
John Hadley
Fishery Management Plan Coordinator & Fishery Economist
Executive Committee
Carolyn Belcher, Chair Trish Murphey, Vice Chair Amy Dukes Kerry Marhefka Jessica McCawley
Staff Contact
John Carmichael
Executive Director
Golden Crab
Jessica McCawley, Vice Chair Tim Griner Trish Murphey Robert Spottswood, Jr. Andy Strelcheck
Habitat and Ecosystem
Trish Murphey, Chair Amy Dukes, Vice Chair Robert Beal Carolyn Belcher Gary Borland Tim Griner Judy Helmey Jimmy Hull Lt. Marisa Kraiss Kerry Marhefka Jessica McCawley Charlie Phillips Tom Roller Robert Spottswood, Jr. Andy Strelcheck
Staff Contact
Kathleen Howington
Habitat & Ecosystem Scientist
Outreach and Communications
Gary Borland, Vice Chair Amy Dukes Lt. Marisa Kraiss Kerry Marhefka Trish Murphey Tom Roller
Staff Contact
Kim Iverson
Public Information Officer
Law Enforcement
Tom Roller, Vice Chair Carolyn Belcher Judy Helmey Lt. Melissa Kraiss Kerry Marhefka
Staff Contact
Myra Brouwer
Deputy Director for Management
Mackerel Cobia
Tom Roller, Chair Robert Beal Carolyn Belcher Gary Borland Amy Dukes Tim Griner Judy Helmey Lt. Marisa Kraiss Kerry Marhefka Jessica McCawley Trish Murphey Robert Spottswood, Jr. Andy Strelcheck Skip Feller, Mid-Atlantic Representative
Carolyn Belcher, Chair Trish Murphey, Vice Chair Robert Beal Amy Dukes Tim Griner Jimmy Hull Kerry Marhefka Jessica McCawley Charlie Phillips Andy Strelcheck
Staff Contact
Chip Collier
Deputy Director for Science
Trish Murphey, Vice Chair Carolyn Belcher Gary Borland Amy Dukes Jimmy Hull Lt. Marisa Kraiss Jessica McCawley Charlie Phillips Andy Strelcheck
Staff Contact
Allie Iberle
Fishery Scientist
Snapper Grouper
Jessica McCawley, Chair Kerry Marhefka, Vice Chair Robert Beal Carolyn Belcher Gary Borland Amy Dukes Tim Griner Judy Helmey Jimmy Hull Lt. Marisa Kraiss Trish Murphey Charlie Phillips Tom Roller Robert Spottswood, Jr. Andy Strelcheck Mid-Atlantic Representative, Earl “Sonny” Gwin
Staff Contact
Mike Schmidtke
Fishery Scientist
Spiny Lobster
Jessica McCawley, Chair Robert Spottswood, Vice Chair Tim Griner Lt. Marisa Kraiss Kerry Marhefka Tom Roller Andy Strelcheck