ABC | Acceptable biological catch |
ACCSP | Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program |
ACL | Annual catch limits |
ALS | Accumulated Landings System (commercial fishing statistics) |
AM | Accountability measures |
ACT | Annual catch target |
AP | Advisory panel |
APAIS | Access Point Angler Intercept Survey |
ASMFC | Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission |
B | Biomass (in either weight or other appropriate unit) |
BAM | Beaufort Assessment Model (stock assessment model for South Atlantic) |
BB | Briefing book |
Bi Op | Biological opinion |
B-MSY | Biomass at maximum sustainable yield |
B-OY | Biomass at optimum yield |
B-CURR | Current biomass |
BRD | Bycatch reduction device |
CCC | Council Coordination Committee |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CHAPC | Coral Habitat Area of Particular Concern |
CHTS | Coastal Household Telephone Survey |
CMP | Coastal migratory pelagics |
CPUE | Catch per unit effort |
CS | Consumer surplus |
DEIS | Draft environmental impact statement |
EA | Environmental assessment |
EBFM | Ecosystem-based fishery management |
EC | Ecosystem component species |
EEJ | Equity and environmental justice |
EEZ | Exclusive economic zone |
EFH | Essential fish habitat |
EFH-HAPC | Essential Fish Habitat- Habitat Area of Particular Concern |
EIS | Environmental impact statement |
ELB | Electronic logbook |
EO | Executive Order |
ESA | Endangered Species Act |
F | A measure of the instantaneous rate of fishing mortality |
F-30% SPR | Fishing mortality at spawning potential ratio (SPR) = 30% |
F-CURR | Current instantaneous rate of fishing mortality |
F-MSY | The rate of fishing mortality expected to achieve MSY under equilibrium |
F-OY | The rate of fishing mortality expected to achieve MSY under an equilibrium |
FES | Fishing Effort Survey (recreational fishing statistics) |
FKNMS | Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary |
FL | Fork length |
FLEC | Florida East Coast |
FMP | Fishery management plan |
FMU | Fishery management unit |
FPR | Fishery performance reports |
FR | Federal Register |
FWC | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission |
GARFO | Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office |
GMFMC | Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council |
gw | Gutted weight |
HMS | Highly migratory species |
HAPC | Habitat area of particular concern |
IA | Interim analysis |
IFQ | Individual fishing quota |
IOOS | Integrated Ocean Observing System |
ITQ | Individual transferable quota |
IPT | Interdisciplinary plan team |
M | Natural mortality rate |
lbs | Pounds |
LAPP | Limited access privilege program |
LEAP | Law Enforcement Advisory Panel |
MAFMC | Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council |
MARMAP | Marine Resources Monitoring Assessment and Prediction Program |
MFMT | Maximum fishing mortality threshold |
MMPA | Marine Mammal Protection Act |
MPA | Marine protected area |
MRFSS | Marine Recreational Fisheries Statistics Survey |
MRIP | Marine Recreational Information Program |
MREP | Marine Resources Education Program |
MSA | Magnuson-Stevens Act |
MSE | Management strategy evaluations |
MSST | Minimum stock size threshold |
MSY | Maximum sustainable yield |
NCDENR | North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources |
NEFMC | New England Fishery Management Council |
NEFSC | Northeast Fisheries Science Center |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NMFS | National Marine Fisheries Service |
NMSA | National Marine Sanctuaries Act |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOR | Net operating revenue |
NOS | National Ocean Service |
NS# | National Standard 1-10 (in the Magnuson-Stevens Act) |
OA | Operational assessment |
OECA | Oculina Experimental Closed Area |
OFL | Overfishing limit |
OHAPC | Oculina Habitat Area of Particular Concern |
OLE | Office of Law Enforcement |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OST | Office of Science and Technology |
OSWAG | Other Shallow-water Grouper |
OY | Optimum yield |
P* | (P-star; defined as the probability of overfishing) |
PIMS | Permits Information Management Systems |
PRA | Paperwork Reduction Act |
PRD | Protected Resources Division |
PS | Producer surplus |
RFA | Regulatory Flexibility Act |
RIR | Regulatory Impact Review |
RQ | Regional quotient |
SADL | South Atlantic Deepwater Longline Survey |
SAFE Reports | Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Reports |
SAFIS | Standard Atlantic Fisheries Information System |
SAFMC | South Atlantic Fishery Management Council |
SBRM | Standardized bycatch reporting methodology |
SCDNR | South Carolina Department of Natural Resources |
SDC | Status determination criteria |
SEAMAP | Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program |
SECOORA | Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association |
SEDAR | Southeast Data Assessment and Review |
SEFSC | Southeast Fisheries Science Center |
SEP | Socioeconomic Panel (of the Scientific and Statistical Committee) |
SERFS | Southeast Reef Fish Survey |
SERO | Southeast Regional Office |
SG | Snapper grouper |
SIA | Social impact assessment |
SMP | System Management Plan (for protected areas) |
SMZ | Special management zone |
SOW | Statement of work |
SPR | Spawning potential ratio |
SRD | Science and Research Director |
SSB MSY | Spawning Stock Biomass at Maximum Sustainable Yield |
SSC | Scientific and Statistical Committee |
SSMZ | Spawning Special Management Zones |
SRFS | State Reef Fish Survey |
SRHS | Southeast Region Headboat Survey |
SS | Stock synthesis |
SSB | Spawning stock biomass |
SWG | Shallow-water grouper |
TED | Turtle excluder device |
TIP | Trip Interview Program |
TL | Total length |
TOR | Terms of Reference |
USCG | U.S. Coast Guard |
VMS | Vessel monitoring system |
VTR | Vessel Trip Report |
ww | Whole weight |
Z | Total mortality |