South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Habitat and Ecosystem Advisory Panel

The Council established its Habitat and Ecosystem Advisory Panel (HE AP) to obtain advice on habitat and ecosystem management issues, including recommendations on Essential Fish Habitat policy statements and non-fishing activities that may pose a threat to Essential Fish Habitat. The HE AP’s recommendations are advisory in nature. 

The HE AP comprises 26 members, 16 of which serve on four sub panels, one for each South Atlantic state. Appointees consist of scientists with habitat, biological, ecological, ecosystem, or other relevant expertise; federal and state agency representatives, conservationists, fishermen, and interested constituents.

The HE AP meets twice a year in spring and fall.

Habitat and Ecosystem Advisory Panel Members
Stacie Crowe, ChairSCSC DNR
Paul Medders, Vice ChairGAGA DNR
Matthew KenworthyFLFWC
Steve MillerFLCZM
Dr. Erin SpencerFLResearch/NGO
David WebbFLRecreational, Charter
Thomas JonesGARecreational
Stephen Morrison IIIGARecreational, Commercial
Charlie DeatonNCNC DNR
Casey KnightNCResearch, Commercial, Recreational
Gregg BodnarNCNC CZM
Brendan RundeNCNGO
Paula KeenerSCResearch, Scientific
Benjamin ThepautSCSC CZM
David WhitakerSCRecreational
Tripp BoltinSCUS FWS
Laura BuschVAUS Navy
Dr. Laurent CherubinFLCIOERT
Alexandra SchneiderVABOEM
Dr. Matthew W. JohnsonFLNMFS SEFSC
Simen KaalstadVAASMFC
Scott KatheyGANOAA NMS
Dr. Wilson LaneyNCResearch, Ecologist
Rua MordecaiNCResearch
Kevin SpanikSCResearch
Jordan WolfeSCNMFS HCD
Photo: GRNMS

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