SEDAR Pool Advisory Panel
The SEDAR Pool is composed of individuals approved by the Council to participate in SEDAR projects. SEDAR Pool members help during the development of a SEDAR project (typically stock assessments) by providing their perspective and helping understand how the fishery is currently operating or operated in the past.
In addition to stakeholders approved by the Council, all Council AP and Assessment Committee members, SSC members, State, Federal, and Interstate Commission Scientists and representatives from the Southeast Region, representatives of NGOs in the region, and University Researchers. are members. Members of the SEDAR Pool remain part of the SEDAR Pool until they are removed by the Council or no longer working for their agency, NGO, or university.
Membership to the SEDAR Pool does not automatically mean that members are approved as official participants or observers of a SEDAR project. The member must be appointed by the Council to serve in that role for a project.
If appointed to a SEDAR project, the member is expected to attend meetings for the project. This can range from a single webinar focused on a specific topic to a weeklong in-person data workshop. Once the SEDAR project is completed, there are no other meetings to attend until the member requests to be a part of and appointed to another SEDAR project.