South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Shrimp Advisory Panel

The Shrimp Advisory Panel (S AP)’s role is to provide guidance on the management of white, brown, and pink shrimp fisheries in the South Atlantic region and activities impacting those fisheries.  

The S AP is comprised of representatives from the commercial industry and other individuals familiar with shrimp fisheries and management.  

The S AP meets as needed via webinar or in person. 

Shrimp Advisory Panel Members
Janie Thomas, Vice ChairFLIndustry Rep.
Gary ExleyGACommercial
Bryan FluechGASea Grant
Nancy JonesFLCommercial
Jeffrey MillikenNCCommercial
Stephen Morrison IIGACommercial
Jody ShirleyFLCommercial
Marilyn SolorzanoFLCommercial
Laurilee ThompsonFL Commercial
Tim WillisNCScientist
John WoodsGANGO
Bob Zales IIFLCommercial
A large pile of penaid shrimp.

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