CMP Amendment 32
Amendment Summary
Purpose of Amendment: Responds to the latest stock assessment (SEDAR 58). Gulf cobia are not overfished but undergoing overfishing. This amendment includes actions to end overfishing of Gulf cobia and update the CMP framework procedures to clarify the language about the responsibilities of each Council.
Action Summary: adopt new catch level recommendations; Gulf and FLEC Zone apportionment; sector allocations; ACTs; bag limits, vessel limits, and size limits; framework procedure.
Key Events:
- April 2021: Mackerel Cobia AP discusses amendment.
- August 2021: Gulf Council approves amendment for public hearings.
- September 2021: South Atlantic Council approves amendment for public hearings.
- October 2021: public hearings held.
- October 2021: Gulf Council took final action.
- December 2021: South Atlantic Council took final action.
- January 2022: Amendment transmitted to NMFS.
- Proposed Rule: July 7, 2022
- Final Rule: October 21, 2022
- Effective: November 21, 2022
Amendment documents
- Final approval
- Implementation
- Pre-scoping
- Public hearing
- Rule making
- Scoping
- Secretarial review