CMP Amendment 34
Amendment Summary
Purpose of Amendment: Responds to the latest stock assessment (SEDAR 38 Update). Atlantic King Mackerel are neither overfished nor undergoing overfishing. This amendment will update catch levels based on the SSC recommendations and make modifications to management measures aimed at increasing interest in the king mackerel fishery.
Action Summary: adoption of new catch level recommendations; sector allocations; recreational ACT; recreational bag limit; requirement to land with heads and fins intact.
Key Events:
- June 2020: amendment development initiated.
- November 2020: Mackerel Cobia AP met to discuss SSC recommendations and potential actions.
- March 2021: scoping held during the Council meeting.
- April 2021: Mackerel Cobia AP input.
- June 2021: Gulf Council reviewed amendment.
- Fall 2021: Councils approved amendment for public hearings.
- December 2021: South Atlantic Council reviewed public hearing comments and removed actions addressing the Atlantic king mackerel minimum size limit.
- March 2022: South Atlantic Council took final action.
- April 2022: Gulf Council took final action.
- Summer 2022: Amendment submitted August 5, 2022.
- March 2023: Proposed rule published, comments due March 30, 2023.
Amendment documents
- Final approval
- Implementation
- Pre-scoping
- Public hearing
- Rule making
- Scoping
- Secretarial review