South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Snapper Grouper Amendment 13C

Amendment Summary

Ended overfishing of snowy grouper, vermilion snapper, black sea bass, and golden tilefish and increased allowable catch of red porgy.

Amendment documents

Implemented Regulations

  • Snowy grouper: reduced the commercial ACL from 344,508 lbs gw to 151,00 lbs gw in yr 1 and then 84,000 lbs gw in yr 3 and onward until modified. The commercial trip limit was specified at 275 lbs gw in yr 1, 175 lbs gw in yr 2, and 100 lbs gw in yr 3 and onward until modified. after the commercial quota is met all purchase and sale is prohibited and harvest is limited to the bag limit. Limit the recreational possession of snowy to 1/p/d within the 5-grouper per person per day aggregate recreational bag limit.
  • Golden tilefish: reduced the commercial ACL from 1,001,663 lbs gw to 295,000 lbs gw. Specified a commercial trip limit of 4,000 lbs gw until 75% of the commercial ACL is taken then is reduced to 300 lbs gw, trip limit is not to be reduced unless 75% is captured on or before Sept 1. after the commercial quota is met all purchase and sale is prohibited and harvest is limited to the bag limit. limit the recreational possession of GT to 1 p/d within the 5-grouper per person per day aggregate recreational bag limit
  • Vermilion snapper: specified a commercial ACL of 1,100,000 lbs gw, after the commercial quota is met all purchase and sale is prohibited and harvest is limited to the bag limit. increased the rec min size limit from 11″ TL to 12″ TL
  • Black Sea Bass: specified a commercial ACL of 477,000 lbs gw in yr 1 and then 308,000 lbs in yr 3 and onward until modified. this was based on a TAC of 1,110,000 lbs gw and 718,000 lbs gw in yr 3 and onward until modified. after the commercial quota is met all purchase and sale is prohibited and harvest is limited to the bag limit. Required the use of at least 2″ mesh for the entire back panel of black sea bass pots, changed the fishing year from June 1 through May 31, and required that BSB pots be removed from the water when the quota is met with a 10-day grace period.
  • Specified a rec allocation of 633,000 lbs gw in yr 1 and 409,000 lbs gw in yr 3 an onwards until modified, increased the rec min size limit from 10″ TL to 11″ TL in yr 1 and 12″ TL in yr 2 and onward until modified, reduced the rec bag limit from 20 to 15 BSB/p.d, changed the rec calendar fishing yr to Jun 1 – May 31
  • Red porgy: increased the commercial trip limit from 50 lbs ww to 120 fish (2020 lbs ww) during May through December, specified a commercial quota of 127,000 lbs gw, after the commercial quota is met all purchase and sale is prohibited and harvest is limited to the bag limit. increased the rec bag limit from 1 to 3 red porgy/p/d.
  • Final approval
  • Implementation
  • Pre-scoping
  • Public hearing
  • Rule making
  • Scoping
  • Secretarial review