Snapper Grouper Amendment 15A
Amendment Summary
Established rebuilding plans and status determination criteria for snowy grouper, black sea bass, and red porgy.
Amendment documents
Implemented Regulations
- Snowy grouper: MSY = the yield produced by Fmsy. MSY and Fmsy are defined by the most recent SEDAR assessment = 313,056 lbs ww. OY is the yield produced by FOY. If a stock is overfished, FOY equals the fishing mortality rate specified by the rebuilding plan. Foy = 75% Fmsy = 303,871 lbs ww. MSST = SSBmsy (0.75) = 3,498,735 lbs ww.
- Established a rebuilding plan for snowy grouper to equal Tmax (34 yrs) starting in 2006. TAC for 2009 would be 102,960 lbs ww.
- Red porgy: MSY equals the yield produced by FMSY. MSY and FMSY are defined by the most recent SEDAR Update = 625,699 lbs ww. OY = the yield produced by FOY. If a stock is overfished, FOY equals the fishing mortality rate specified by the rebuilding plan = 608,099 lbs ww.
- Established a rebuilding plan for red porgy that maintained a constant fishing mortality rate throughout the rebuilding timeframe. TAC = 395,281 lbs ww for both 2009 and 2010. the TAC would change every three years according to the rebuilding plan.
- Black Sea Bass: MSY = the yield produced by FMSY. MSY and FMSY are defined by the most recent SEDAR = 2,777,825 lbs ww. OY = the yield produced by FOY. If a stock is overfished, FOY equals the fishing mortality rate specified by the rebuilding plan = 2,742,551 lbs ww.
- Modified the BSB rebuilding plan to the max recommended time period to rebuild which is 10 yrs with 2006 as year 1. defined a rebuilding strategy that maintains a constant catch throughout the rebuilding timeframe. The TAC for 2009 would be 847,000 lbs whole weight. The TAC specified for 2009 would remain in effect beyond 2009 until modified.
- Final approval
- Implementation
- Pre-scoping
- Public hearing
- Rule making
- Scoping
- Secretarial review