Snapper Grouper Amendment 16
Amendment Summary
Specified status determination criteria for gag and vermilion snapper and modified management measures.
Amendment documents
Implemented Regulations
- Gag grouper: MSY and OY = 1,238,000 lbs gw, 75%Fmsy = 1,217,000 lbs gw, 51%C/49%R allocation Com ACL= 353,940 lbs gw Rec ACL = 340,060.
- Established a gag spawning season closure Jan 1 – April 30.
- Established a gag-directed quota (DCQ) after the post quota by-catch mortality (PQBM) has been subtracted, so Com ACL was 353,940, PQBM is 7,000 lbs gw so the DCQ = 346,940 lbs gw.
- Reduced the 5-grouper aggregate bag limit to a 3-grouper aggregate bag limit, reduced the existing bag limit from 2 gag or black to 1 gag or black grouper within the aggregate and exclude the captain and crew from possessing a bag limit for groupers.
- Vermilion snapper: MSY and OY = 2,699,957 lbs ww 75%Fmsy = 628,459 lbs ww, 68%C/32%R allocation Com ACL = 385,002 lbs gw Rec ACL = 181,177 lbs gw.
- Established a DCQ for vermilion based onĀ PQBM of 57,000 lbs gw therefore a DCQ = 328,002 lbs gw.
- Allocated 50% of the total DCQ to Jan 1 – Jun 30 and 50% Jul 1 – Dec 31. Leftover DCQ transfers from season 1 to 2 but not from 2 to season 1 of the following year.
- Reduced the vermilion bag limit from 10 to 4 vermilion and a season closure Oct 1 – May 15th.
- Required the use of a venting and dehooking tool.
- Allowed the RA to adjust the management measures based on the latest (at that time) assessment for vermilion snapper.
- Final approval
- Implementation
- Pre-scoping
- Public hearing
- Rule making
- Scoping
- Secretarial review