South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Snapper Grouper Amendment 17B

Amendment Summary

Specified annual catch limits, annual catch targets, and accountability measures for 9 species undergoing overfishing and prohibited harvest of speckled hind and warsaw grouper. Prohibited harvest of deepwater species seaward of 240 feet. Specified sector allocations for golden tilefish and updated the framework procedure.

Amendment documents

Implemented Regulations

  • Established an ACL=0 for speckled hind and warsaw grouper.
  • Prohibited all fishing for, possession, and retention of these species.
  • Prohibit all fishing for, possession, and retention of deepwater complex species (snowy, BLT, yellowedge grouper, misty grouper, queen snapper, and silk snapper) beyond a depth of 240 ft.
  • Defined allocations for GT based on landings from ALS, MRFSS, and head boat database.
  • Established the GT ACL at the Foy level = 326,554 lbs ww, a commercial ACL of 282,819 lbs gw and a rec ACL of 1,578 fish based on the 97% commercial and 3% recreational allocation.
  • Established a snowy grouper recreational daily bag limit of 1 f/vessel/day, implement AMs for the rec sector which would close the current season is the rec ACL is met or expected to be met. If the ACL is exceeded, the RA shall reduce the following fishing year by the amount of the overage in the following year. Compare the rec ACL with projected rec landings over a range of years. For 2010, use only 2010 landings. For 2011, use the average landings of 2010 and 2011. For 2012 and beyond, use the most recent three-year running average.
  • Retained the commercial ACL for gag of 352,940 lbs gw and the commercial AM to prohibit commercial harvest of shallow-water groupers when the gag quota is projected to be met. Retained the rec ACL for gag of 340,060 lbs gw.
  • Established an ACL for gag, black grouper, and red grouper of 662,403 lbs gw (commercial) and 648,663 lbs gw (recreational).
  • Prohibited the commercial possession of shallow water groupers when the gag or gag, black, and red grouper ACLs are projected to be met.
  • For black grouper, BSB, red grouper, and vermilion snapper, compare the recreational ACL with rec landings over a range of years. For 2010 use only 2010 landings. For 2011 use the average landings of 2010 and 2011. For 2012 and beyond, use the most recent three yr running average. If at least one of the species (gag, red, or black grouper) is overfishing and the sector ACL is projected to be met, prohibit the harvest of the species or species group.
  • Updated the framework procedure for specification of total allowable catch (TAC) for the SG fishery to incorporate ACLs, ACTs, and AMs.
  • Final approval
  • Implementation
  • Pre-scoping
  • Public hearing
  • Rule making
  • Scoping
  • Secretarial review