Snapper Grouper Amendment 2
Amendment Summary
Prohibited harvest or possession of goliath grouper and defined overfishing for snapper grouper species.
Amendment documents
Implemented Regulations
- Set OY at 40% SSBR, the threshold level is 30%, below which no harvest or possession of goliath is allowed.
- Defined overfishing:
- Goliath are overfished when the stock is below 40% of SSBR which would occur in the absence of fishing.
- When goliath are overfished, overfishing is defined as harvesting at a rate that is not consistent with a program that has been established to rebuild the stock or stock complex to the 40% SSBR level.
- When goliath are not overfished, overfishing is defined as a harvesting rate that, if continued would lead to a state of the stock or stock complex that would not at least allow a harvest of OY on a continuing basis.
- The threshold level is 30% SSBR, below this level, no harvest or possession of goliath is allowed.
- Defined overfishing for all other SG species:
- A SG stock is overfished when it is below the level of 30% of the SSBR that would occur if F=0
- When a SG stock is overfished, overfishing is defined as harvesting at a rate that is not consistent with a program that has been established to rebuild the stock to 30% SSBR
- When a SG stock is not overfished, overfishing is defined as a harvesting rate that, if continued, would lead to a state of the stock that would not at least allow a harvest of OY on a continuing basis
- Final approval
- Implementation
- Pre-scoping
- Public hearing
- Rule making
- Scoping
- Secretarial review