Snapper Grouper Amendment 29
Amendment Summary
Updated ABC control rule to determine the ABC of unassessed species then adjusted annual catch limits and annual catch targets, implemented minimum size limits, commercial split season, and commercial trip limits for gray triggerfish.
Amendment documents
Implemented Regulations
- Adopted ABC values for Only Reliable Catch Stocks (ORCS) and the approach became level 4 of the ABC control rule and the existing level 4 was moved to 5
- Assigned a risk tolerance of 0.90 scalars to stocks deemed by the SSC to be under low risk of overexploitation.
- Assigned a risk tolerance of 0.80 scalars to stocks deemed by the SSC to be under a moderate risk of overexploitation.
- Assigned a risk tolerance of 1.25 scalar to stocks deemed by the SSC to be under moderately high risk of overexploitation, apply a risk tolerance scalar of 0.70 for rock hind, tomtate, white grunt and gray triggerfish.
- Established ACLs for selected for unassessed SG species.
- Specified a min size for gray triggerfish of 12 in FL for the com and rec sector, established a com split season for gray triggerfish: season 1 = Jan 1 – Jun 30 (50%) and season 2 = Jul 1 – Dec 31 (50%), established a com trip limit of 1,000 lbs ww.
- Final approval
- Implementation
- Pre-scoping
- Public hearing
- Rule making
- Scoping
- Secretarial review