South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Snapper Grouper Amendment 3

Amendment Summary

Added wreckfish to the fishery management unit and required permit and data collection requirements. Set a control date for a potential limited entry program for wreckfish. Establish total allowable catch for wreckfish.

Amendment documents

Implemented Regulations

  • Added wreckfish to the MU, defined OY, defined overfishing, required annual permit to fish for, land, or sell wreckfish, and collect data necessary for effective management.
  • Established a control date of March 28 1990 after which there would be no guarantee of inclusion in a limited entry program should one be developed. This was later limited to the area bounded by 33 degrees and 30 degrees N Lat based on input from public hearings.
  • Established a fishing year beginning April 1. This was later modified, based on input from fishermen during PH to April 16th.
  • Established a process whereby annual total allowable catch (annual quotas) would be specified with the initial quota being 2, 8, or between 2 and 8 million pounds.
  • Established a 10,000 lbs trip limit.
  • Established a spawning season closure from Jan 15- Apr 15.
  • Final approval
  • Implementation
  • Pre-scoping
  • Public hearing
  • Rule making
  • Scoping
  • Secretarial review

Species Affected