South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Snapper Grouper Amendment 35

Purpose of Amendment

Respond to the latest stock assessment for Red Snapper (SEDAR 73). Red Snapper are overfished and overfishing is occurring, mainly due to the large number of Red Snapper that are released dead. Dead releases are a major issue in the snapper grouper fishery as a whole and affect many species within the complex. 

Action Summary

Reduce dead discards in the snapper grouper fishery as a whole to the extent that would end overfishing of Red Snapper and modify the Red Snapper ABC and ACLs. 

Key Events

  • June 2021: The Council received the results of SEDAR 73 and requested the SSC review the recommended ABC. 
  • September 2021: Reviewed the SSC’s recommendation and requested additional information in preparation to initiate the regulatory amendment. 
  • Winter 2022: Initial analyses developed and preliminary scoping was conducted from January 18-February 4. 
  • March 2022: Regulatory amendment initiated and additional information and input requested of staff, the Snapper Grouper AP, and the SSC. The AP and SSC met and provided recommendations in April 2022. 
  • June 2022: Additional analyses presented for Red Snapper. Council directed consideration of some actions and additional analyses of impacts to the snapper grouper fishery (other than Red Snapper). 

Amendment documents

Implemented Regulations

  • Removed black, dog, mahogany snapper and schoolmaster from the SG FMP.
  • Revised golden tilefish longline endorsement regulations to indicate that vessels that have valid or renewable golden tilefish longline endorsements anytime during the golden tilefish fishing year are not eligible to fish for golden tilefish using hook and line gear under the 500-lb gw hook and line trip limit.
  • Final approval
  • Implementation
  • Pre-scoping
  • Public hearing
  • Rule making
  • Scoping
  • Secretarial review

Staff Contact

Species Affected