Black Sea Bass Management Options Approved for Public Scoping; NOAA Fisheries Provides Red Snapper Update
December 2024 Council Meeting News Release.
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
December 2024 Council Meeting News Release.
Mel Bell has been acknowledged by members of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council with the SAFMC 2024 Award of Excellence. The award, presented during a social held at the SC Department of Natural Resources as part of the Council’s September meeting, came as a surprise to Mel as he was surrounded by his colleagues representing over 40 years of career service to the SCDNR’s Division of Marine Fisheries and his work at the federal fisheries management level.
In this SAFMC Feature Article, we take a deep dive into the importance of the diverse habitat found in the South Atlantic, and the history of actions taken by the Council to help protect it.
Newsworthy Notes – October 24th, 2024 Advisory Panel Seats Open Applications due November 8, 2024 Become more involved in the federal fishery management process! The Council is currently soliciting applicants for various seats on its advisory panels. Advisory panels inform and advise the Council in developing federal fishery management plans and amendments. Open seats include […]
Members of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council approved two amendments to the Snapper Grouper Fishery Management Plan that, if approved by the Secretary of Commerce, would modify current federal regulations for species in the snapper grouper management complex. The Council considered input received during public comment and recommendations from its Snapper Grouper Advisory Panel […]
Members of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council concluded their week-long meeting in Daytona Beach Shores, Florida after addressing a broad range of federal fishery management issues.
Dolphin, Dolphinfish, Mahi Mahi or Dorado – regardless of the name, Dolphin are one of the most popular fish targeted by both recreational and commercial fishermen. Dolphin are managed by the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council in federal waters along the U.S. Atlantic coast. The high demand for Dolphin and recent concerns over user conflicts, highly variable availability, and international harvest, has sparked the need to consider a more flexible and adaptive management approach. Learn more about Dolphin management and how fishery managers are collaborating to address these challenges.
The 2024 March Council Meeting was full of impactful discussions and presentations that will shape the future of South Atlantic snapper grouper fisheries. Check out this meeting’s news release for a summary of the hot topics.
Members of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council concluded their week-long meeting in Beaufort, North Carolina after addressing a broad range of federal fisheries management issues. Janet Coit, Assistant Administrator for NOAA Fisheries attended a portion of the meeting and addressed the Council. She recognized the Council’s and NOAA Fisheries’ regional efforts in supporting management and science, including the Council’s Citizen Science Program, and highlighted national fisheries issues.
This feature article dives into the ins and outs of shark depredation in the South Atlantic.