South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

April 2021 Snapper Grouper AP Meeting

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Via webinar only

Wednesday April 21, 2021, 1:30 P.M. – Friday, April 23, 2021, Noon
Approval of Agenda – Jimmy Hull
Approval of November 2020 AP minutes – Jimmy Hull
Committee Chair Remarks – Jessica McCawley (Attachment 1)

  1. Update on recent regulations and status of amendments (Attachment 2)
  2. Fishery Performance Report for Mutton Snapper ( (Attachment 3)
  3. Fishery Overview for Snowy Grouper – Recommendations on potential management
    measures (Snowy Grouper Fishery Overview)
  4. Fishery Overview for Yellowtail Snapper – Recommendations on potential management
    measures (Yellow Snapper Fishery Overview) (Attachment 4)
  5. Fishery Overview for Greater Amberjack and Amendment 49 – Greater Amberjack and
    recreational annual catch targets (Greater Amberjack Fishery Overview) (Attachment 5)
  6. Amendment 50 – Red Porgy (Attachment 6)
  7. Discussion on possible approaches to reduce recreational discards (Attachment 7; Late
  8. Vermilion Snapper Commercial Trip Limit (Attachment 8)
    Melvin Bell, Chair | Stephen J. Poland, Vice Chair
    John Carmichael, Executive Director
  9. Council Research Plan (Attachment 9)
  10. Updates:
    a. SEDAR (Red Snapper, Golden Tilefish, Gag)
    b. Amendment 48 – Wreckfish ITQ Modernization
    c. Citizen Science (Attachment 10)
    d. Climate Change
  11. Chair and Vice Chair Election
  12. Other Business – Jimmy Hull