South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Aug. 2023 Snapper Grouper Recreational Permitting and Reporting AP Meeting

Via webinar only.

Meeting Agenda & Briefing Materials

The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) will hold meetings of its Snapper Grouper Recreational Permitting and Reporting AP on August 15th from 1:00-3:30 pm.  

Except for advertised public hearings and public comment sessions, the timing of agenda items may change.

Public comment will be solicited at the beginning and at the end of the meeting.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

1:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.

Agenda Approval

  1. Comment on potential Council actions in Snapper Grouper Amendment 46 (Private Recreational Permitting)
    1. Discussion document for recent Council guidance (Attachment 1a)
    2. Meeting 1 Summary Report- August 2022 (Attachment 1b)
    3. Meeting 2 Summary Report- November 2022 (Attachment 1c)
    4. Meeting 3 Summary Report- May 2023 (Attachment 1d)

Advisory Panel Members
Luiz Barbieri, ChairFlorida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute 
Amy Dukes, Vice Chair South Carolina Department of Natural Resources 
John Foster NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology 
Kai Lorenzen The University of Florida
Brandi Salmon North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries 
Beverly Sauls Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 
Geoff White Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program 

Staff Contact