South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

May 2022 Citizen Science Operations Committee Meeting

Time: to
Location: Via webinar only.

Schedule at a Glance

Except for advertised (scheduled) public hearings and public comment sessions, the times indicated on the agenda may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate the completion of agenda items. Interested parties should be aware that meetings may start earlier or later than indicated.

Welcome & Meeting Overview

  1. Citizen Science Initial Evaluation Plan (Attachments 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d)
  2. Citizen Science Research Priorities Process (Attachment 2)
  3. Citizen Science Program Update (Attachment 3)
    Other Business

Register for webinar

Citizen Science Operations Committee Members

Holly Abeels
Scott Baker
Rob Cheshire
Rick DeVictor
Michelle Duval
Brett Fitzgerald
Bob Lorenz
Wally Bubley