South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Nov. 2023 Habitat AP Meeting

November 1, 2023 - November 3, 2023
Charleston, SC.

Meeting Agenda & Briefing Materials

The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) will hold meetings of its Habitat Protection and Ecosystem-Based Management Advisory Panel on November 1st-3rd.  

Meeting information, including agendas, webinar registration, and briefing book materials are posted as they become available.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

1:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.

  1. NOAA Fisheries HCD EFH Consultation- Annual Summary
  2. NOAA Fisheries EFH 5-Year Review
    1. Buttonwood Clarification Subcommittee Report (Attachment 2a)
    2. Limited FEP II Update (*Attachment 2b)
    3. Tidal Freshwater Boundary Subcommittee Report (Attachment 2c)
    4. Climate Vulnerability Assessment Presentation (Attachment 2d; also in recent docs)
    5. Climate Vulnerability Assessment Oct 2023 (Attachment 2e)
    6. SAFMC EFH User Guide (Attachment 2f)
  3. SECAS and the Conservation Blueprint
    • SECAS and Conservation Blueprint Presentation (Attachment 3)

Thursday, November 2, 2023

8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.

  1. Offshore Wind Activities in the South Atlantic Region
    • BOEM Presentation on Renewable Energy Research and Development (Attachment 4; also in recent docs)
  2. EFH Policy Statement on Energy
    • SAFMC EFH Policy Statement on Energy Exploration and Development (Attachment 5; also in recent docs)
  3. US Navy Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing EIS
    • US Navy Atlantic Fleet Training and Testing EIS Presentation (Attachment 6; also in recent docs)

Friday, November 3, 2023

8:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.

  1. SAFMC Habitat Blueprint
    1. SAFMC Habitat Blueprint (Attachment 7a)
    2. Habitat Ecosystem AP Job Description (Attachment 7b)
    3. Habitat Workplan (Attachment 7c)
    4. Draft Outline for AP Annual Report (Attachment 7d)
  2. Update on the South Atlantic Salt Marsh Initiative
    1. Update on the South Atlantic Salt Marsh Initiative Presentation (Attachment 8a)
    2. South Atlantic Salt Marsh Initiative Summary (Attachment 8b)
    3. South Atlantic Salt Marsh Initiative Plan (Attachment 8c)
  3. Space Operations off East Florida
    • Presentation on Space Operations off East Florida (Attachment 9)
  • Other Business
  • Public Comment
  • Adjourn

Recent Documents

Staff Contact

Advisory Panel Members
Cynthia Cooksey, ChairSC
Stacie Crowe, Vice ChairSC
Dr. Rene BaumstarkFL
Dr. John GalvezFL
Jeff HartzlerFL
Steve MillerFL
David WebbFL
Sam YoungFL
Paul MeddersGA
Thomas JonesGA
Alice LawrenceGA
 Anne DeatonNC
John EllisNC
Joel FodrieNC
Casey KnightNC
Dr. Brendan Runde NC
Shane StaplesNC
Paula KeenerSC
George MadlingerSC
Jeff SossSC
David WhitakerSC
Laura BuschVA
Dr. Laurent CherubinFL
Dr. Ronald FerryGA
Mark HansenFL
Simen KaalstadVA
Brian HookerVA
Dr. Wilson LaneyNC
Dr. Steve RossNC
Kevin SpanikSC