South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

September 2023 Council Meeting

September 11, 2023 - September 15, 2023
Town & Country Inn 2008 Savannah Highway Charleston SC 29407

Meeting Agenda & Briefing Materials

Except for advertised public hearings and public comment sessions, the timing of agenda items may change.

The public comment session (Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, 4 p.m.), will allow for in-person and remote (via webinar) verbal public comment. Individuals intending to provide comments remotely are asked to sign up HERE. Those intending to provide verbal public comment in person will be asked to sign in at the meeting.

Committee/Council Reports

Written Comments:

Click here for additional comments:

Written comments submitted by mail/fax received by close of business the Monday before the meeting (September 4th, 2023) will be compiled, posted to the website as part of the meeting materials, and included in the administrative record.

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Council Session I/Belcher 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

  1. Reports (NOAA Office of Law Enforcement, US Coast Guard, Council liaisons, state agencies)
    1. Attachment 1a: NOAA OLE Report
    2. Attachment 1b: NOAA OLE presentation (available at meeting)
    3. Attachment 1c: Gulf Council Liaison Report
  2. Joint Commercial Electronic Logbook Amendment
    1. Attachment 2a: Joint Commercial Electronic Logbook Amendment Draft (Also available in Recent Documents)
    2. Attachment 2b: Draft Commercial Electronic Logbook Amendment Codified Text (Available at meeting)
  3. Climate Change Scenario Planning
    1. Attachment 3a: ECCCSP February 2023 Summit Report
    2. Attachment 3b: ECCCSP Potential Action Menu
    3. Attachment 3c: Presentation ECCCSP Summit Report and Action Menu
    4. Attachment 3d: ECCCSP Actions Overview

Lunch 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm

Council Session I/Belcher 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

  1. Allocation Review Process (Sector Allocations Webpage)
    1. Attachment 4a: Draft Allocation Review Guidelines
    2. Attachment 4b: Summary presentation slides for the draft Allocation Review Guidelines
    3. Attachment 4c: Draft updated Allocation Review Trigger Policy in tracked changes
  2. Southeast Reef Fish Survey (SERFS) and Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP) Updates
    1. Attachment 5a: SERFS and SEAMAP Presentation (Also available in Recent Documents)
    2. Attachment 5b: SERFS Trends Report
  3. Marine Recreational Information Program pilot study on the recreational Fishing Effort Survey design
  4. NMFS Council Governance Procedural Directive Discussion
    1. Attachment 7a: Draft Procedural Directive on Governance MSA 304(F)
    2. Attachment 7b: Bullet discussion points on 304(f) procedural directive (Also available in Recent Documents)

Tuesday, September 12th, 2023

Mackerel Cobia Committee/Roller 8:30 am – 10:00 am

  1. CMP Framework Amendment 13 (Spanish mackerel)
  2. Mackerel Port Meetings

Habitat Protection and Ecosystem-based Management Committee/Murphey 10:00 am – 12:00 noon

  1. SAFMC Habitat Blueprint
    1. Attachment 1a: Draft Habitat Blueprint
    2. Attachment 1b: Draft Habitat and Ecosystem Advisory Panel Job Description
    3. Attachment 1c: Draft Habitat Workplan

Lunch 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm

Habitat Protection and Ecosystem-based Management Committee/Murphey 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

  1. Habitat and Ecosystem Advisory Panel Report
    1. Attachment 2a: Habitat and Ecosystem AP May 2023 Meeting Report
    2. Attachment 2b: Habitat and Ecosystem AP May 2023 Presentation
    3. Attachment 2c: Updated EFH Policy: Beach Renourishment & Large-Scale Ocean Engineering
  2. Coral Management
  3. Approve agenda topics for Fall 2023 Habitat and Ecosystem AP Meeting (in Agenda and Overview)

SEDAR Committee/Belcher 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm (Partially Closed Session)

  1. April 2023 SEDAR Steering Committee Meeting
  2. SEDAR Projects Update
  3. Statements of Work Approval for 2026 Assessments (Snowy Grouper and Dolphin Management Procedure or Spanish Operational Assessment)
  4. New SSC appointments to SEDAR panels to replace outgoing members (CLOSED)
  5. Other Business

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

Got Historic Fishing Photos? Click here for more info!

Share them with the FISHstory project! Come to our scanning event at the Council Meeting on Wednesday, September 13th from 9am-6pm. We’ll scan and return hard copy photos, gather background information, and share digital copies back with photo providers. Contact or check out this flyer for more information.

Snapper Grouper Committee/McCawley 8:30 am – 12:00 noon

  1. Wreckfish (Amendment 48)
    1. Attachment 1a: Amendment 48 (Wreckfish) Decision Document
    2. Attachment 1b: Amendment 48 (Wreckfish) Draft Amendment
    3. Attachment 1c: Cost Recovery for Wreckfish Presentation
  2. Private Recreational Permit (Amendment 46)
    1. Attachment 2a: Amendment 46 (Private Recreational Permitting) Decision Document
    2. Attachment 2b: Amendment 46 (Private Recreational Permitting) Draft Amendment
    3. Attachment 2c: Amendment 46 (Private Recreational Permitting) AP Summary Report

Lunch 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm

Snapper Grouper Committee/McCawley 1:30 pm – 3:45 pm

  1. Scamp/Yellowmouth Grouper (Amendment 55)

Public comments 4:00 pm

Public comment will be accepted from individuals attending the meeting (in-person and remotely) regarding any of the items on the Council agenda. The Council Chair, based on the number of individuals wishing to comment, will determine the amount of time provided to each commenter. Those intending to provide verbal public comment via webinar can sign up here.

Thursday, September 14th, 2023

Snapper Grouper Committee/McCawley 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

  1. Yellowtail Snapper (Amendment 44)
    1. Attachment 4a: Amendment 44 (Yellowtail Snapper) Draft Amendment
    2. Attachment 4b: Amendment 44 (Yellowtail Snapper) Decision Document
  2. Black Sea Bass Management Options
    1. Attachment 5a: Black Sea Bass Management Decision Document
    2. Attachment 5b: On-Demand Gear Workshop Report (Also available in Recent Documents)
    3. SSC Report
  3. Updates
    1. Attachment 6a: BFP Update Presentation
    2. Attachment 6b: “What It Means to Me” Project Proposal
  4. SEDAR 86 (Red Grouper) Modifications
    • Attachment 7: SSC September 7, 2023, Meeting Report (Available at the meeting)
  5. Approve topics for Snapper Grouper Advisory Panel meeting (in Agenda and Overview)

Lunch 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm

Council Session II/Belcher 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

  1. Staff Report
  2. Approve topics for Dolphin Wahoo Advisory Panel
  3. Review topics for Outreach and Communication Advisory Panel
  4. NMFS Reports
    1. Attachment 4a: Protected Resources Update
    2. Attachment 4b: Re-initiation of Southeast US Shrimp BiOp Presentation
    3. SEFSC Report (No attachment)

Friday, September 15th, 2023

COUNCIL SESSION II/Belcher 8:30 am – 12:00 noon

  1. Council Workplan
  2. Upcoming Meetings