South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Council Member James Hull Jr. operating a commercial vessel.

James Hull Jr.

Current Employment/Affiliation:

Jimmy Hull lives, eats, and breathes fish and has made a living from the sea for his entire life. Jimmy currently owns and operates a seafood retail market and restaurant, along with several commercial vessels. In concert with his businesses, he targets snapper grouper species on hook and line, runs Black Sea Bass pot gear, and trolls for Kingfish offshore. Inshore, he also long lines for sharks and traps Blue Crabs.

Fisheries Management Philosophy:

Access and supply to local seafood are vital to commercial fishing operations. Conservation and management of sustainable fisheries resources are essential in providing fresh seafood, jobs, and recreational fishing opportunities. The people who depend on fisheries for their livelihoods also depend on the long-term health of our oceans.

Financial Disclosure Statement 2025