Council Seeks Applicants for Federal Fisheries Advisors
The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council is seeking applicants for a citizen science and several fisheries advisory panels. Advisory panels provide information and recommendations to inform the federal fishery management process and are an important part of the Council’s process.
Applications are being accepted for a new advisory panel to provide input on federal reporting requirements for the recreational for-hire industry, a Georgia representative on the Snapper Grouper Advisory Panel, and a representative for the Citizen Science Program’s Operations Committee. Details regarding these advisory panel seats are included below.
Those interested in applying for the For-Hire Reporting or Snapper Grouper Advisory Panel are asked to fill out a brief online application form, available on the Council’s website along with additional information about the Council’s advisory panels: Those interested in applying to the Citizen Science Operations Committee are asked to complete the Citizen Science Pool application also available online. Applications must be received by Monday, August 12, 2024 in order to be considered by the Council during its September 16-20, 2024 meeting in Charleston, SC.
For-Hire Reporting Advisory Panel
The Council is seeking applicants for a new For-Hire Reporting Advisory Panel. This advisory panel is being created on a temporary basis to provide stakeholder insight on improving the Southeast For-Hire Integrated Electronic Reporting (SEFHIER) Program for the charter and headboat components of the federal recreational Snapper Grouper, Dolphin Wahoo, and Coastal Migratory Pelagics (mackerel) fisheries. The panel will provide guidance on self-reporting programs and strategies to enhance timeliness, accuracy, and quality of data reported on for-hire fishing activities. The panel will also consider ways to balance data and compliance needs with reporting burdens and improve compliance with reporting requirements.
Due to the specific charge for this advisory panel, applicants should be federally permitted captains that report through SEFHIER (i.e., possess a USCG Captain’s license and own, operate, or be a hired captain for a for-hire fishing business). Representation is desired from each state within the Council’s jurisdiction (NC, SC, GA, and the east coast of Florida), as well as those located in the Gulf of Mexico and Greater Atlantic Region (NC to ME) who also participate in South Atlantic managed fisheries. A representative with both for-hire and commercial permits is also desired. Those who serve on other South Atlantic Council advisory panels are eligible to also serve on this panel.
Snapper Grouper Advisory Panel – Georgia Representative
The Council’s Snapper Grouper AP is one of its most active advisory panels, providing advice for the 55 species that are included in the management complex. The AP is comprised of representatives from each state within the Council’s jurisdiction and includes both commercial and recreational fishermen as well as others knowledgeable about the fishery. A seat is currently open for a Georgia representative.
Citizen Science Program – Operations Committee Open Seat
The Council’s Citizen Science Program pursues projects that engage fishermen in data collection to improve information for fisheries management through collaborative science. The program currently has an open seat on its Operations Committee. The Operations Committee is a small group of advisors that provides broad oversight on program priorities, practices, and policies. Learn more about the Citizen Science Program and complete the citizen science pool application online.
Applications must be received by Monday, August 12, 2024 in order to be considered by the Council during its September 16-20, 2024 meeting in Charleston, SC. Applications forms are available online: Questions? Contact Kim Iverson, Public Information Officer at For questions regarding the Citizen Science Program and Operations Committee, contact Julia Byrd, Citizen Science Program Manager at