South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

The South Atlantic Bite

Newsworthy Notes – October 6th, 2022

SAFMC Seminar Series:

Incorporating Video into the Southeast Reef Fish Survey – Methods, Relative Abundance, and Applied Research

October 11, 2022 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. via webinar

The Council’s seminar series continues next Tuesday, October 11, 2022, via webinar with a presentation by Dr. Nate Bacheler with NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center on how underwater video cameras are being used on traps as part of the Southeast Reef Fish Survey.

The presentation will describe how and why underwater video is included in the long-term trap survey conducted along the southeastern U.S. continental shelf and how the video is being used to look at trends in abundance for economically important species in the snapper grouper management complex managed by the Council. In addition, Dr. Bacheler will provide details on two acoustic tracking studies (Gray Triggerfish and Red Snapper) to better understand fish behavior around baited sampling gear.

Q&A session will follow the presentation with members of the public allowed to participate in the discussion. Register now to attend the webinar and receive email reminders. Learn more about the Council’s seminar series and view past presentations at: Grab a sandwich next week and learn over lunch!

Grouper swimming underwater with other species.

Snapper Grouper Advisory Panel Meeting:

Meeting materials and an online comment form are now available

October 18-20, 2022

The Council’s Snapper Grouper Advisory Panel will meet October 18-20, 2022 in Charleston, SC. The AP will discuss Snapper Grouper Regulatory Amendment 35 addressing Red Snapper and Snapper Grouper Release Mortality, the Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) for the Snapper Grouper Fishery, and management measures proposed for Gag and Black Grouper. Agenda items also include an update on the FKNMS Restoration Blueprint and NOAA Proposed Vessel Speed Regulations to further protect Right Whales.

The meeting is available via webinar as it occurs. Additional information, including meeting materials, webinar registration, and the online public comment form is available from the Council’s website.

Red snapper lay dead in an ice box.

The Council’s advisory panels play a key role in the federal fishery management process, providing information and recommendations at the grassroots level. Members advise the Council about trends in fisheries, environmental concerns relating to fishery ecosystems, enforcement issues, and management impacts on fishermen and fishing communities.

The Council will consider open seats on various advisory panels during its December 2022 meeting. Open seats will be advertised within the next week. Interested in serving on an advisory panel? Learn more.

Additional Snippets:

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Soliciting Public Input on Proposed Rule for Restoration Blueprint

Opportunity for public comment on the Florida Keys Restoration Blueprint continues until October 26, 2022. The Restoration Blueprint includes proposed modifications to boundaries, regulations, marine zones, and the overall management plan to aid in efforts to address threats facing the Florida Keys marine environment. “We have a lot of stakeholders representing a broad range of interests,” said Sarah Fangman, Sanctuary Superintendent during a recent presentation to the Council. “We want to hear from everyone and encourage public comment.” Additional information is available:

Request for Comments: Changes to Catch Levels, Sector Allocations, Accountability Measures, and Management Measures for Red Porgy

NOAA Fisheries is requesting comments on the notice of availability and proposed rule for Amendment 50 to the Snapper Grouper Fishery Management Plan. The latest stock assessment determined Red Porgy are overfished and undergoing overfishing. If implemented, the amendment would establish a new rebuilding plan for Red Porgy, reduce the commercial trip limitrecreational bag and possession limit, and implement a 2-month recreational fishing seasonComments are due by November 8, 2022. See the Fishery Bulletin for details.

GA DNR Coastal Resources Division Participates in Study to Calculate Area Covered by Natural, Artificial Reefs in Southeast U.S.

The Coastal Resources Division of the GA Department of Natural Resources participated in a new study recently released aimed at comparing the amount of live bottom versus artificial reefs along the east coast of the U.S. Increasing human uses of the ocean have led to the co-occurrence of both natural and artificial reef habitats. See how this collaborative study will help improve understanding of these habitats and aid in ocean planning and resource management decisions.

Mark Your Calendar

Keep track of meetings scheduled by the Council from the Meetings page of the website and register for meeting webinars as information becomes available. Register early and receive email reminders as the meeting date(s) approach!

October 11, 2022

SAFMC Seminar Series – Incorporating Video into Reef Fish Surveys

1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Webinar only

Webinar Registration

October 12, 2022

Joint Gulf of Mexico and SA Council Modern Fish Act Workgroup Meeting

Hybrid (virtual and in-person)

Tampa, FL

Webinar Registration

October 18-20, 2022

Snapper Grouper Advisory Panel Meeting

Town & Country Inn

Charleston, SC 29407

October 18-20, 2022

Council Coordination Committee Meeting

Washington, DC

October 25-27, 2022

Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) Meeting

Town & Country Inn

Charleston, SC 29407

November 1-3, 2022

Habitat and Ecosystem-Based Management Advisory Panel Meeting

Town & Country Inn

Charleston, SC 29407

December 5-9, 2022

December Council Meeting

Blockade Runner Beach Resort

Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480