System Management Plan Workgroup
The System Management Plan Workgroup is an advisory panel to the Council to help with the management of areas known as marine protected areas (MPAs) which includes Deepwater MPAs created in Snapper Grouper Amendment 14, Spawning Special Management Zones created in Snapper Grouper Amendment 36, and Oculina Bank Experimental Closed Areas created in Snapper Grouper Amendments 6 and 13A. The workgroup helps the Council to evaluate the protected areas based on biological protection, social and economic impacts, and compliance. The group recommends changes or modifications in the shape, location, and size of the protected areas.
The System Management Plan Workgroup consists of state and federal agency staff (biologists, economists, social scientists, outreach specialists, and law enforcement) as well as fisher folk and NGOs. Agency representatives are appointed by their respective agencies and have no term limits. Fisher folk and NGOs are appointed for three-year terms and can be appointed for three consecutive terms as specified in the AP Policy.
The System Management Plan Workgroup meets as needed. When developing a product for the Council, it could take several meetings (1 meeting per month) via webinar or a one-day in-person meeting.