CMP Amendment 2
Amendment Summary
Revised Spanish mackerel maximum sustainable yield, recognized two migratory groups, and set commercial quotas and bag limits. Required permits for charter vessels.
Amendment documents
Implemented Regulations
- Revisied the Spanish mackerel MSY and the OY and TAC for king and Spanish mackerel.
- Set the fishing year for Gulf mackerels to July 1 through June 30 and Atlantic mackerels to April 1 through March 31. For all other species in the fishery January 1 through December 31.
- Set Dad/Monroe as the migratory boundary for Spanish mackerel.
- Set annual review of stock assessment pane report and other relevant information and allowed appropriate regulatory changes which may be implemented by the Regional Director by Notice Action.
- Set allocations for Gulf king mackerel, Atlantic king mackerel, Gulf Spanish mackerel, and Atlantic Spanish mackerel.
- Set a bycatch allocation for purse seines and prohibited purse seines for Spanish mackerel.
- Established commercial permits for king mackerel and Spanish mackerel and charter boat permits.
- Set bag limits for Gulf king mackerel (2pp private recreational, 3 per angler on charters excluding captain and crew of 2pp all inclusive per trip, whichever is greater).
- Set bag limit for Atlantic king mackerel at 2pp per trip.
- Set minimum mesh size for Spanish mackerel gill nets at 3.5 inches stretched mesh.
- Final approval
- Implementation
- Pre-scoping
- Public hearing
- Rule making
- Scoping
- Secretarial review