CMP Amendment 5
Amendment Summary
Extended management area for Atlantic groups of mackerels, redefined recreational bag limits as daily limits, added cobia to the annual stock assessment procedure and imposed bag limits, and established a minimum size for king mackerel.
Amendment documents
Implemented Regulations
- Extended management area for Atlantic groups of mackerels and revised the definition of “overfishing”.
- Redefined recreational bag limits as daily limits.
- Added cobia to the annual stock assessment procedure and imposed bag limits.
- Established a minimum size for king mackerel.
- Gulf king mackerel can only be taken with hook and line and run around the gill net.
- Set the king mackerel minimum size limit to 12 inches fork length or 14 inches total length.
- Final approval
- Implementation
- Pre-scoping
- Public hearing
- Rule making
- Scoping
- Secretarial review