CMP Amendment 9
Amendment Summary
Established a moratorium on king mackerel gillnet permits and allowed the retention and sale of damaged, legal-sized king and Spanish mackerel within established trip limits.
Amendment documents
Implemented Regulations
- Prohibited the sale of Gulf king mackerel by all persons fishing under the recreational allocation, including charter and head boat operators.
- Reallocated the percentage of the commercial allocation of TAC for the Florida east coast – northern area and Florida west coast (south/west area) of the Eastern Zone to 46.15% North and 53.85% – west.
- Subdivided the commercial hook and line Gulf king mackerel allocation of TAC into subzones by areas.
- Established regional allocations of the commercial hook and line TAC for king mackerel in the South/West area of the eastern Zone based on historical catches from the new subzones.
- Established a trip limit of 3,000 pounds per vessel per trip in the Western Zone.
- Established a moratorium on the issuance of commercial king mackerel gillnet endorsements.
- Increase the minimum size limits for Gulf king mackerel to 24 inches.
- Allowed the retention and sale of cut-off (damaged) legal-sized king and Spanish mackerel within established trip limits.
- Final approval
- Implementation
- Pre-scoping
- Public hearing
- Rule making
- Scoping
- Secretarial review