South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Comprehensive Ecosystem-Based Amendment 1

Included Amendments

  • Shrimp Amendment 8
  • CMP Amendment 19
  • Coral Amendment 6
  • Golden Crab Amendment 4
  • Spiny Lobster Amendment 9
  • Dolphin Wahoo Amendment 1
  • Snapper Grouper Amendment 19
  • Comprehensive Ecosystem-Based Amendment 1

Amendment Summary

The amendment was included under Comprehensive Ecosystem-Established deepwater Coral Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (CHAPC) and established Shrimp Fishery Access Areas and Allowable Golden Crab Fishing Areas within the CHAPCs. Provided spatial information for Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) and EFH-HAPC under multiple fishery management plans.

Full Amendment

Implemented Regulations

  • Establishes Deepwater Coral Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (Deepwater Coral HAPCs) off the coast of the southern Atlantic states in which the use of specified fishing gear and methods and the possession of coral is prohibited.
  • Within the Deepwater Coral HAPCs, fishing zones have been established that allow continued fishing on the historical grounds for golden crab and deepwater shrimp. This rule protects what is thought to be the largest distribution of pristine deepwater coral ecosystems in the world while minimizing the effects on traditional fishing in the Deepwater Coral HAPCs.
  • Updates existing Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) information in the area off the southern Atlantic states, thus, addressing the need for spatial representation of designated EFH and EFH-HAPCs.