South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

May 2021 Private Recreational Reporting Workgroup

Via webinar only.


Wednesday- May 26, 2021

9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Agenda Approval

  1. Prior Meeting Report (Attachment 1)
    John Carmichael, SAFMC
  2. Presentation on MAFMC Recreational Tilefish Reporting (Attachment 2)
    Karson Coutre, MAFMC
  3. Presentation on the NMFS HMS Recreational Reporting Program (Attachment 3)
    Jackie Wilson, NMFS HMS Division
  4. Presentation on the MRIP Large Pelagic Survey (Attachment 4)
    John Foster, NMFS MRIP
  5. Topics for the next meeting
    Other Business


Workgroup Members

Spud Woodward, SAFMC, Chair
Carolyn Belcher, SAFMC
Chester Brewer, SAFMC
Jessica McCawley, SAFMC
MRIP: Richard Cody
SERO: Mike Larkin
SEFSC: Erik Williams
ACCSP: Geoff White
FL: Bev Sauls, Luiz Barbieri
SC: Amy Dukes
NC: Dee Lupton/Stephanie McInerny/Brandi Salmon