Snapper Grouper Vision Blueprint
The snapper grouper fishery is a healthy,
sustainable fishery that balances and optimizes benefits for all.
The Vision Blueprint for the Snapper Grouper Fishery is the culmination of the Council working with stakeholders from 2012 to 2015 to develop a strategic plan for managing the fishery from 2016 through 2020. The Vision Blueprint was the Council’s first attempt at proactively addressing management issues in the fishery building on extensive stakeholder engagement throughout the region and across all sectors.
The Council prioritized stakeholder input and developed two amendments: Regulatory Amendment 26 addressed recreational management measures and Regulatory Amendment 27 focused on improving commercial fishery management. Summaries of these stakeholder workshops are available upon request.
The Vision Blueprint included appendices to capture actions that were not prioritized for implementation in 2016-2020 and an evaluation plan:
- Appendix A– Proposed implementation timeline for priority actions
- Appendix B– Complete list of objectives, strategies, and actions for each goal area and a glossary of terms.
- Appendix C– Items that did not have enough stakeholder support to consider during the 2016-2020 timeframe.
- Appendix D– The Vision Blueprint review plan
In September 2022, the Council approved adopting the Vison Blueprint’s management objectives as the objectives of the Snapper Grouper Fishery Management Plan.