South Atlantic Fishery Management Council

Request for Proposals: SAFMC Recreational Angler Attitudes and Preferences in the South Atlantic Snapper Grouper Fishery

The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) is seeking proposals for a project to collect attitude and preference data for the private recreational sector of the Snapper Grouper Fishery in the South Atlantic Region.​

Proposal Submission Deadline: February 20, 2025


The Snapper Grouper Fishery Management Plan is the largest plan within the Council’s jurisdiction, comprised of 55 species of snappers, groupers, and more. While private recreational anglers see these species as highly desirable, their attitudes and preferences for how these species are managed is not well understood. Improving our understanding of the attitudes and preferences of these private recreational anglers is crucial for effective management of the snapper grouper fishery. The goal of this project is to fill this information gap and use it to develop stakeholder-informed management strategies that will be evaluated through the Council’s ongoing Snapper Grouper Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE).[1]

In April 2023, Council staff collected information on angler attitudes and preferences during virtual public scoping sessions and the in-person Snapper Group Advisory Panel meeting to help develop management scenarios and potential performance metrics for the MSE.  However, comments from private recreational anglers were limited and staff were unable to gather sufficient detail on angler attitudes and preferences related to potential management measures (e.g bag limits, size limits, spawning closures, fishing seasons, and protected areas). In order to develop more detailed management scenarios that can be evaluated through the MSE and the tradeoffs between those scenarios, more information on angler attitudes and preferences is needed.

Additionally, understanding private recreational angler attitudes and preferences will aid in overall communication with fishermen.  The Council has two projects that could benefit from this information: Lines of Communication: Conversations with the Council, an engagement effort aimed at building relationships and momentum for participation in the management process, and the Best Fishing Practices Initiative, which focuses on increasing knowledge of fishing methods that will improve survivorship of released snapper grouper species.  Understanding the motivations and preferences of private recreational anglers, would allow the Council to tailor outreach and education messaging to private recreational anglers, and better engaging them in these projects. Ultimately, all three of these projects aim to build trust and cooperation between fishermen and managers, which will lead to more effective management outcomes.

Project Scope

The Council seeks a contractor to gather information on private recreational angler attitudes and preferences to further develop the Snapper Grouper MSE. The contractor will determine and use appropriate methods to gather information on attitudes and preferences from private recreational anglers specifically targeting anglers participating in the snapper grouper fishery in the EEZ (3 to 200 miles offshore) of the South Atlantic Region.  The contractor will work with the Council staff and NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office and Fishery Science Center staff to develop scenarios based on angler input.     

Stakeholder engagement is an essential component of an MSE. Throughout the research project, regular communication and collaboration with anglers and fisheries managers will be needed.  Their input and feedback will be essential for the success of the project and the development of effective management strategies for the snapper grouper fishery.

Present Findings

The contractor will present their work to the Council’s Social and Economic Panel (SEP) for review (October 2025). They will also present the final report during the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s December meeting (December 2025).

Project Deliverables

The contractor will develop a report detailing the attitudes and preferences of private recreational anglers in the South Atlantic region and develop management scenarios to explore through the MSE. ​The Contractor will present this information, including management scenario recommendations to the Council.​

  1. The report will include the following:
  2. Description of the process used to gather input
  3. Trends, patterns, and insights into angler attitudes and preferences
  4. Description of angler attitudes and preferences for different management scenarios
  5. A list of performance metrics to aid in evaluating different management scenarios
  6. Description of results, findings, and recommendations.
  • Presentations for the SEP and Council should outline methodology, findings and recommendations.

Project Timeline

The Council external grant process will be used to develop contract details once a proposal is selected; however, the project timeline is expected to begin in February 2025 and to be completed by December 2025. The timeline will include stakeholder meetings, regular check-in meetings with the Council Staff, and a review by the Council’s Social and Economic Panel in November 2025. The final report will be presented to the Council in December 2025. Council Staff will support the contractor by providing regional expertise and support during the project’s stakeholder meetings. 

Applicant Qualifications:

The successful candidate should have:

  • Experience working in collaboration with diverse stakeholders, scientists, and managers, to seek input and develop management tools and/or recommendations.
  • Knowledge of federal fisheries surveys and data collection programs particularly related to South Atlantic species, and an understanding of how information is used in the science and management processes.

How to Apply:

Applicants should submit completed proposals electronically to or by mail to Chip Collier, Deputy Director for Science, South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 4055 Faber Place Dr, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC, 29405.  Please include the project title in the subject line and submit by 11:59 pm on Monday, January 20, 2025.

  • Executive Summary: A summary of the proposed scope of work and applicant qualifications (not to exceed 1 page).
  • Description of Work: A detailed plan for addressing the scope of work and deliverables described above. This should include proposed analytical approaches, a project schedule, and a plan for project management and dissemination of results.
  • Proposed Budget: A detailed budget for the project, not to exceed a total of $250,000 for the full project term. The budget must include the basis for the charges (e.g., hourly rates, fixed fees) and a breakdown of expenses by category: Salary, Fringe, Travel, Supplies, Equipment, Sub-Contract, and Indirect.
  • Qualifications of Applicant: A summary of the qualifications of the applicant, and other team members, if applicable.
  • Outside of the 10-page limit, please include a two-page CV for each PI and Collaborator. 

Proposal Evaluation Criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated based on relevance to the request for proposal, technical merit of the project, qualifications of applicants, budget, and outreach and communication of results. The Council may request additional information as necessary or negotiate modifications to an accepted proposal.


  1. All costs associated with the preparation and presentation of the proposal will be borne by applicants.
  2. Proposals and their accompanying documentation will not be returned.
  3. Respondents must disclose any relevant conflicts of interest and/or pending civil/criminal legal actions.
  4. The Council reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications received, negotiate with all qualified applicants, cancel, or modify this request for proposals in part or in its entirety, or change the application guidelines, when it is in their best interests.

[1] For more information on the Snapper Grouper MSE visit: