June 2022 Council Meeting
Except for advertised (scheduled) public hearings and public comment sessions, the times indicated on the agenda may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate the completion of agenda items. Interested parties should be aware that meetings may start earlier or later than indicated.
Written comments were accepted from May 27 to June 17, 2022. These comments are accessible to the public, part of the administrative record of the meeting, and immediately available for Council consideration.
View submitted written comments
Written comments submitted by mail/fax received by close of business the Monday before the meeting (June 6, 2022) will be compiled, posted to the website as part of the meeting materials, and included in the administrative record.
Mailed comments:
Monday, June 13, 2022
COUNCIL SESSION I / Bell 8:30 am – 10:30 am (CLOSED)
- Adopt agenda
- Approve minutes
- Advisory Panel (AP), Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC), and Socio-Economic Panel (SEP) Appointments
- Selection of 2021 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
COUNCIL SESSION I / Bell 10:30 am – 12:00 noon
- Call to order and introductions
- Adopt agenda
- Approve minutes
- Reports (NOAA Office of Law Enforcement, US Coast Guard, Council liaisons, state agencies)
- Input for data-gathering tool to inform sector allocations
- SEP input
- Input on Data-Gathering Tool to Inform Sector Allocations
- Commercial Electronic Logbook Amendment
Lunch 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm
COUNCIL SESSION I (cont.) / Bell 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
- Acceptable Biological Catch Control Rule Amendment
- Progress Towards Meeting SAFMC Research Recommendations
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Snapper Grouper Committee / McCawley 8:30 am – 12:00 noon
Approve agenda (Snapper Grouper Committee Agenda)
Approve transcript (March 2022 Transcript)
Reports (SSC Report, SG AP Report)
Presentations (SG AP Presentation, SSC Presentation)
- Status of Amendments under formal review
- Release Mortality Reduction and Red Snapper Catch Levels Framework (SG Reg Amendment 35)
Lunch 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm
Snapper Grouper Committee / McCawley 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
3. Gag (SG Amendment 53)
- Attachment 2a: Amendment 53 Decision Document
- Attachment 2b: Amendment 53 Commercial Decision Tool (excel download)
- Attachment 2c: Amendment 53 Recreational Decision Tool (excel download)
4. Golden Tilefish and Blueline Tilefish (SG Amendment 52)
Question and Answer Session 5:00 to 6:00 pm
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Snapper Grouper Committee/McCawley 8:30 am – 12:00 noon
5. Snowy Grouper (SG Amendment 51)
Lunch 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm
Snapper Grouper Committee/McCawley 1:30 pm – 3:45 pm
6. Greater Amberjack (SG Amendment 49)
7. SG AP input on items not on agenda
8. South Atlantic Reef Observer Coverage Expansion
9. Exempted Fishing Permit Brief
Other Business
Public comments 4:00 pm
Public comment will be accepted from individuals attending the meeting (in-person and remotely) regarding any of the items on the Council agenda. The Council Chair, based on the number of individuals wishing to comment, will determine the amount of time provided to each commenter. Those intending to provide verbal public comment via webinar can sign-up here.
Public hearings:
(1) Greater Amberjack (SG Amendment 49)
Approval for public hearings:
(1) Acceptable Biological Catch Control Rule Amendment
(2) Snowy Grouper (SG Amendment 51)
(3) Golden Tilefish and Blueline Tilefish (SG Amendment 52)
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Dolphin Wahoo Committee / Marhefka 8:30 am – 12:00 noon
Approve agenda (Dolphin Wahoo Committee Agenda)
Approve transcript (March 2022)
Status of Amendments under formal review
- Dolphin Wahoo Advisory Panel Summary Meeting Report
- Modifications to the minimum size limit, recreational retention limits, and for-hire captain and crew bag limits for dolphin (Regulatory Amendment 3)
- Development of empirical Management Procedures (MPs) for dolphin
Other Business
Lunch 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm
Citizen Science Committee / Marhefka 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Approve agenda (Citizen Science Committee Agenda)
Approve transcript (December 2021)
- Program evaluation interview findings & next steps
- FISHstory highlights
- Snowy grouper project update
- Citizen Science Program update
Other Business
COUNCIL SESSION II / Bell 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Call to order
Approve agenda (Council Session II Agenda)
Legal brief (if needed)
- Council Coordination Committee Report
- Council staff reports
- Large Whale Take Reduction Team Report
- SSC and SEP input on items not on agenda
- NMFS Southeast Regional Office Report
- NMFS Southeast Fisheries Science Center Report
Friday, June 17, 2022
COUNCIL SESSION II / Bell 8:30 am – 12:00 noon
- Committee & Full Council Session Reports
- FMP Workplan Review and Upcoming Meetings
Other business

Summary Motions
Recent Documents
- 2022junecouncilmeetingpubliccomment_entries.xlsx
- DW AP Presentation June 2022
- FC2 Attachment 4a SAFMC Workplan June 2022 REVISED
- Full Council I Attachment 4b: ABC CR Amendment Presentation
- Full Council II Attachment 3: Protected Resources Update June 2022
- NOAA SATL Red Snapper Count June 2022
- SEP_SummaryPresentation_Jun2022
- SG Attachment 1: Regulatory Amendment 35 Decision Document
- SG Attachment 3a: Amendment 52 Decision Document
- SG RA35 Chair Overview