Lobster, Spiny

Lobster, Spiny
Crawfish, Panulirus argusCommonly referred to as the Florida spiny lobster, the Caribbean spiny lobster inhabits tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico. Spiny lobsters get their name from the forward-pointing spines that cover their bodies to help protect them from predators. They vary in color from almost white to dark red-orange. Two large, cream-colored spots on the top of the second segment of the tail make spiny lobsters easy to identify. They have long antennae over their eyes that they wave to scare off predators and smaller antennae-like structures called antennules that sense movement and detect chemicals in the water.
Adult spiny lobsters make their homes in the protected crevices and caverns of coral reefs, sponge flats, and other hard-bottomed areas. The lobsters spawn from March through August and female lobsters carry the bright orange eggs on their undersides until they turn brown and hatch. Larvae can be carried for thousands of miles by currents until they settle in shallow nearshore areas among seagrass and algae beds. They feed on small snails and crabs. The lobsters are solitary until they reach the juvenile stage, when they begin to congregate around protective habitat in nearshore areas. As they begin to mature, spiny lobsters migrate from the nursery areas to offshore reefs.
Lobsters stay in their dens during daylight hours to avoid predators, emerging a couple of hours after dark to forage for food. While lobsters will eat almost anything, their favorite diet consists mostly of snails, clams, crabs, and urchins. The lobsters return to the safety of their dens several hours before sunrise. (Excerpt taken from: http://myfwc.com/research/saltwater/crustaceans/lobster/facts/)

- Season is currently open.
- 2 Bag Limit
- Min. Size: 3 in Carapace Length
Divers must measure carapace while in water. Undersized lobster must be released unharmed immediately without removal from water. Removal of tail at sea is prohibited without permit.
No taking of berried (eggbearing) spiny lobster or slipper lobster.
No spears, hooks, or piercing devices. Explosives prohibited.
Offshore of Florida, bag limit increased to 6 per person off Florida. Also, season closed in Florida from April 1 to August 5. Special non-trap season off Florida is last Wednesday and successive Thursday in July.
Federally Permitted Charter/Headboats: -If a federally permitted vessel fishing in federal waters catches a species that is closed to harvest in federal waters, the vessel is not allowed to retain that fish. -If a federally permitted vessel fishing in state waters catches a species that is closed to harvest in federal waters but open in state waters, the vessel is not allowed to retain that species. -If a federally permitted vessel fishing in federal waters catches a species that is closed to harvest in state waters but open to harvest in federal waters, they may retain that fish if they do not stop to fish in state waters when returning to port. All gear must be stowed.
For more information on management of South Atlantic federal fisheries, please visit SAFMC or NOAA Fisheries.
To see commercial regulations, download Fish Rules Commercial App for iOS devices or Android devices.
- Season is currently open.
- Season Closed: April 01, 2025 – July 29, 2025
- Season Closed: August 01, 2025 – August 05, 2025
- 6 Bag Limit
- Min. Size: 3 in Carapace Length
Divers must measure carapace while in water.
Undersized lobster must be released unharmed immediately without removal from water.
Removal of tail at sea is prohibited without permit.
No taking of berried (eggbearing) lobster of any species.
No spears, hooks, or piercing devices. Explosives prohibited.
Bag limit = 2 per person off NC, SC, and GA.
Federally Permitted Charter/Headboats: -If a federally permitted vessel fishing in federal waters catches a species that is closed to harvest in federal waters, the vessel is not allowed to retain that fish. -If a federally permitted vessel fishing in state waters catches a species that is closed to harvest in federal waters but open in state waters, the vessel is not allowed to retain that species. -If a federally permitted vessel fishing in federal waters catches a species that is closed to harvest in state waters but open to harvest in federal waters, they may retain that fish if they do not stop to fish in state waters when returning to port. All gear must be stowed.
For more information, see: SAFMC Spiny Lobster Commercial Regulations
To see commercial regulations, download Fish Rules Commercial App for iOS devices or Android devices.
Spiny Lobster Federal Permit – South Atlantic EEZ (not including Florida)
- Season is currently open.
- Min. Size: 3 in Carapace Length
- 2 qty Lobster Trip Limit
- Fishing Year: Jan 1 – Dec 31
Undersized Lobster: Undersized lobster must be released unharmed immediately without removal from water.
Berried Lobster: A berried (egg-bearing) spiny lobster in or from the EEZ must be returned immediately to the water unharmed.
West Florida Wall
West Florida Wall HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 26°28.835′ 84°47.955′; 26°28.816′ 84°46.754′; 26°10.471′ 84°42.076′; 26°10.528′ 84°44.577′; 26°25.028′ 84°47.986′; 26°25.100′ 84°47.980′; 26°28.835′ 84°47.955′.Deployment of bottom-tending gear (bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot or trap) and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Warsaw Hole SMZ
Warsaw Hole SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 24° 22.277' 82° 20.417'; 24° 22.277' 82° 18.215'; 24° 20.932' 82° 18.215' 24° 20.932' 82° 20.417'.Fishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs. Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring prohibited.Fishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Tortugas South
Tortugas South area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 24°33′00″ 83°09′00″; 24°33′00″ 83°05′00″; 24°18′00″ 83°05′00″; 24°18′00″ 83°09′00″; 24°33′00″ 83°09′00″.Fishing for any species and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
The Edges
The Edges is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 28°51′ 85°16′; 28°51′ 85°04′; 28°14′ 84°42′; 28°14′ 84°54′; 28°51′ 85°16′.All fishing prohibited January through April. Possession of any fish species is prohibited January through April, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed.
Stetson-Miami Terrace
No person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Steamboat Lumps
Steamboat Lumps is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 28°14′ 84°48′; 28°14′ 84°37′; 28°03′ 84°37′; 28°03′ 84°48′'; 28°14′ 84°48′.Possession of Reef Fish prohibited year-round, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed. Possession of all fish is prohibited November through April, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed. All Fishing Prohibited with the exception of surface trawling which is allowed May through October.
South Cape Lookout Spawning SMZ
South Cape Lookout SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 33° 53.040' 76° 28.617'; 33° 52.019' 76° 27.798'; 33° 49.946' 76° 30.627'; 33° 51.041' 76° 31.424'.Fishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs.Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring ProhibitedFishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Shrimp Access Area 4
Shrimp Access Area 4 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 26°49′58″ 79°46′54″; A 26°48′58″ 79°46′56″; B 26°47′01″ 79°47′09″; C 26°46′04″ 79°47′09″; D 26°35′09″ 79°48′01″; E 26°33′37″ 79°48′21″; F 26°27′56″ 79°49′09″; G 26°25′55″ 79°49′30″; H 26°21′05″ 79°50′03″; I 26°20′30″ 79°50′20″; J 26°18′56″ 79°50′17″; K 26°18′56″ 79°48′37″; L 26°20′30″ 79°48′40″; M 26°21′05″ 79°48′08″; N 26°25′55″ 79°47′49″; O 26°27′56″ 79°47′29″; P 26°33′37″ 79°46′40″; Q 26°35′09″ 79°46′20″; R 26°46′04″ 79°45′28″; S 26°47′01″ 79°45′28″; T 26°48′58″ 79°45′15″; U 26°49′58″ 79°45′13″; Origin 26°49′58″ 79°46′54″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 3
Shrimp Access Area 3 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 28°14′00″ 79°46′20″; A 28°11′41″ 79°46′12″; B 28°08′02″ 79°45′45″; C 28°01′20″ 79°45′20″; D 27°58′13″ 79°44′51″; E 27°56′23″ 79°44′53″; F 27°49′40″ 79°44′25″; G 27°46′27″ 79°44′22″; H 27°42′00″ 79°44′33″; I 27°36′08″ 79°44′58″; J 27°30′00″ 79°45′29″; K 27°29′04″ 79°45′47″; L 27°27′05″ 79°45′54″; M 27°25′47″ 79°45′57″; N 27°19′46″ 79°45′14″; O 27°17′54″ 79°45′12″; P 27°12′28″ 79°45′00″; Q 27°07′45″ 79°46′07″; R 27°04′47″ 79°46′29″; S 27°00′43″ 79°46′39″; T 26°58′43″ 79°46′28″; U 26°57′06″ 79°46′32″; V 26°57′06″ 79°44′52″; W 26°58′43″ 79°44′47″; X 27°00′43″ 79°44′58″; Y 27°04′47″ 79°44′48″; Z 27°07′45″ 79°44′26″; AA 27°12′28″ 79°43′19″; AB 27°17′54″ 79°43′31″; AC 27°19′46″ 79°43′33″; AD 27°25′47″ 79°44′15″; AE 27°27′05″ 79°44′12″; AF 27°29′04″ 79°44′06″; AG 27°30′00″ 79°43′48″; AH 27°30′00″ 79°44′22″; AI 27°36′08″ 79°43′50″; AJ 27°42′00″ 79°43′25″; AK 27°46′27″ 79°43′14″; AL 27°49′40″ 79°43′17″; AM 27°56′23″ 79°43′45″; AN 27°58′13″ 79°43′43″; AO 28°01′20″ 79°44′11″; AP 28°04′42″ 79°44′25″; AQ 28°08′02″ 79°44′37″; AR 28°11′41″ 79°45′04″; AS 28°14′00″ 79°45′12″; Origin 28°14′00″ 79°46′20″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 2
Shrimp Access Area 2 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 29°08′00″ 79°59′43″; A 29°06′56″ 79°59′07″; B 29°05′59″ 79°58′44″; C 29°03′34″ 79°57′37″; D 29°02′11″ 79°56′59″; E 29°00′00″ 79°55′32″; F 28°56′55″ 79°54′22″; G 28°55′00″79°53′31″; H 28°53′35″ 79°52′51″; I 28°51′47″79°52′07″; J 28°50′25″ 79°51′27″; K 28°49′53″ 79°51′20″; L 28°49′01″ 79°51′20″; M 28°48′19″ 79°51′10″; N 28°47′13″ 79°50′59″; O 28°43′30″ 79°50′36″; P 28°41′05″ 79°50′04″; Q 28°40′27″ 79°50′07″; R 28°39′50″ 79°49′56″; S 28°39′04″79°49′58″; T 28°36′43″ 79°49′35″; U 28°35′01″ 79°49′24″; V 28°30′37″ 79°48′35″; W 28°30′37″ 79°47′27″; X 28°35′01″ 79°48′16″; Y 28°36′43″ 79°48′27″; Z 28°39′04″ 79°48′50″; AA 28°39′50″ 79°48′48″; AB 28°40′27″ 79°48′58″; AC 28°41′05″ 79°48′56″; AD 28°43′30″ 79°49′28″; AE 28°47′13″ 79°49′51″; AF 28°48′19″ 79°50′01″; AG 28°49′01″ 79°50′13″; AH 28°49′53″ 79°50′12″; AI 28°50′25″ 79°50′17″; AJ 28°51′47″ 79°50′58″; AK 28°53′35″ 79°51′43″; AL 28°55′00″ 79°52′22″; AM 28°56′55″ 79°53′14″; AN 29°00′00″ 79°54′24″; AO 29°02′11″ 79°55′50″; AP 29°03′34″ 79°56′29″; AQ 29°05′59″ 79°57′35″; AR 29°06′56″ 79°57′59″; AS 29°08′00″ 79°58′34″; Origin 29°08′00″ 79°59′43″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 1
Shrimp Access Area 1 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin30°06′30″ 80°02′2.4″; A 30°06′30″ 80°05′39.6″; B 30°03′00″ 80°09′30″; C 30°03′00″ 80°06′00″; D 30°04′00″80°02′45.6″; E 29°59′16″ 80°04′11″; F 29°49′12″ 80°05′44″; G 29°43′59″ 80°06′24″; H 29°38′37″ 80°06′53″; I 29°36′54″ 80°07′18″; J 29°31′59″80°07′32″; K 29°29′14″ 80°07′18″; L 29°21′48″ 80°05′01″; M 29°20′25″ 80°04′29″; N 29°20′25″ 80°03′11″; O 29°21′48″ 80°03′52″; P 29°29′14″ 80°06′08″; Q 29°31′59″ 80°06′23″; R 29°36′54″ 80°06′00″; S 29°38′37″ 80°05′43″; T 29°43′59″ 80°05′14″; U 29°49′12″ 80°04′35″; V 29°59′16″ 80°03′01″; W 30°06′30″ 80°00′53″; Origin 30°06′30″ 80°02′2.4″Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Roughtounge Reef
Roughtongue Reef HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 29°27.596′ 87°37.527′; 29°27.621′ 87°31.552′; 29°25.007′ 87°31.539′; 29°24.981′ 87°37.510′; 29°27.596′ 87°37.527′.Deployment of a bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the HAPC.
Pulley Ridge South Portion A
Pulley Ridge South Portion A HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 24°40.000′ 83°41.366′; 24°39.666′ 83°42.648′; 24°47.555′ 83°55.240′; 24°57.065′ 83°48.405′; 24°52.859′ 83°41.841′; 24°43.917′ 83°47.250′; 24°40.000′ 83°41.366′.Deployment of a bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the HAPC.
Pulley Ridge
Pulley Ridge HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: A 24°58′18″ 83°38′33″; B 24°58′18″ 83°37′00″; C 24°41′11″ 83°37′00″; D 24°40′00″ 83°41′22″; E 24°43′55″ 83°47′15″; A 24°58′18″ 83°38′33″.Deployment of bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, pot, or trap and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Pourtales Terrace
No person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Oculina Bank Habitat Area of Particular Concern
In the Oculina Bank HAPC, no person may:Use a bottom longline, bottom trawl, dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for or possess rock shrimp in or from the Oculina Bank HAPC, except a shrimp vessel with a valid commercial vessel permit for rock shrimp that possesses rock shrimp may transit through the Oculina Bank HAPC if fishing gear is appropriately stowed. For the purpose of this paragraph, transit means a direct and non-stop continuous course through the area, maintaining a minimum speed of five knots as determined by an operating VMS and a VMS minimum ping rate of 1 ping per 5 minutes; fishing gear appropriately stowed means that doors and nets are out of the water.
Madison Swanson
The Madison and Swanson sites are bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 29°17′ 85°50′; 29°17′ 85°38′; 29°06′ 85°38′; 29°06′ 85°50′; 29°17′ 85°50′.Fishing prohibited year-round. Possession of reef fish prohibited even for vessels in transit unless the vessel has an operating vessel monitoring system, a valid federal commercial Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Permit, and fishing gear is appropriately stowed. These prohibitions do not apply to Atlantic Highly Migratory Species.
Lobster Trap Gear Closed Areas
Fishing with spiny lobster trap gear is prohibited year-round in the following areas bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the points listed below:Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 1: A 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′00.000", B 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′19.994"; C 24°31′29.999″ 81°31′19.994"; D 24°31′29.999″ 81°31′00.000"; A 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′00.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 2: A 24°31′20.205″ 81°30′17.213"; B 24°31′17.858″ 81°30′27.700"; C 24°31′27.483″ 81°30′30.204"; D 24°31′29.831″ 81°30′19.483"; A 24°31′20.205″ 81°30′17.213″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 3: A 24°31′42.665″ 81°30′02.892"; B 24°31′45.013″ 81°29′52.093"; C 24°31′34.996″ 81°29′49.745"; D 24°31′32.335″ 81°30′00.466"; A 24°31′42.665″ 81°30′02.892″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 4: A 24°31′50.996″ 81°28′39.999"; B 24°31′50.996″ 81°29′03.002"; C 24°31′56.998″ 81°29′03.002"; D 24°31′56.998″ 81°28′39.999"; A 24°31′50.996″ 81°28′39.999″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 5: A 24°32′20.014″ 81°26′20.390"; B 24°32′13.999″ 81°26′41.999"; C 24°32′27.004″ 81°26′45.611"; D 24°32′33.005″ 81°26′23.995"; A 24°32′20.014″ 81°26′20.390″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 6: A 24°32′30.011″ 81°24′47.000"; B 24°32′23.790″ 81°24′56.558"; C 24°32′45.997″ 81°25′10.998"; D 24°32′52.218″ 81°25′01.433"; A 24°32′30.011″ 81°24′47.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 7: A 24°32′46.834″ 81°27′17.615"; B 24°32′41.835″ 81°27′35.619"; C 24°32′54.003″ 81°27′38.997"; D 24°32′59.002″ 81°27′21.000"; A 24°32′46.834″ 81°27′17.615″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 8: A 24°33′10.002″ 81°25′50.995"; B 24°33′04.000″ 81°26′18.996"; C 24°33′17.253″ 81°26′21.839"; D 24°33′23.254″ 81°25′53.838"; A 24°33′10.002″ 81°25′50.995″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 9: A 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′31.998"; B 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′41.000"; C 24°33′29.008″ 81°30′41.000"; D 24°33′29.008″ 81°30′31.998"; A 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′31.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 10: A 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′00.000"; B 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′09.998"; C 24°33′41.999″ 81°30′09.998"; D 24°33′41.999″ 81°30′00.000"; A 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′00.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 11: A 24°33′50.376″ 81°23′35.039"; B 24°33′27.003″ 81°24′51.003"; C 24°33′40.008″ 81°24′54.999"; D 24°34′03.382″ 81°23′39.035"; A 24°33′50.376″ 81°23′35.039″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 12: A 24°34′00.003″ 81°19′29.996"; B 24°34′00.003″ 81°20′04.994"; C 24°34′24.997″ 81°20′04.994"; D 24°34′24.997″ 81°19′29.996"; A 24°34′00.003″ 81°19′29.996″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 13: A 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′25.002"; B 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′34.999"; C 24°35′29.006″ 81°14′34.999"; D 24°35′29.006″ 81°14′25.002"; A 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′25.002″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 14: A 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′47.000"; B 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′58.000"; C 24°44′47.002″ 80°46′58.000"; D 24°44′47.002″ 80°46′47.000"; A 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′47.000″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 15: A 24°49′53.946″ 80°38′17.646"; B 24°48′32.331″ 80°40′15.530"; C 24°48′44.389″ 80°40′23.879"; D 24°50′06.004″ 80°38′26.003"; A 24°49′53.946″ 80°38′17.646″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 16: A 24°53′32.085″ 80°33′22.065"; B 24°53′38.992″ 80°33′14.670"; C 24°53′31.673″ 80°33′07.155"; D 24°53′24.562″ 80°33′14.886"; A 24°53′32.085″ 80°33′22.065″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 17: A 24°53′33.410″ 80°32′50.247"; B 24°53′40.149″ 80°32′42.309"; C 24°53′32.418″ 80°32′35.653"; D 24°53′25.348″ 80°32′43.302"; A 24°53′33.410″ 80°32′50.247″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 18: A 24°54′06.317″ 80°32′34.115"; B 24°53′59.368″ 80°32′41.542"; C 24°54′06.667″ 80°32′48.994"; D 24°54′13.917″ 80°32′41.238"; A 24°54′06.317″ 80°32′34.115″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 19: A 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′33.995"; B 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′45.002"; C 24°54′36.006″ 80°31′45.002"; D 24°54′36.006″ 80°31′33.995"; A 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′33.995″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 20: A 24°56′21.104″ 80°28′52.331"; B 24°56′17.012″ 80°29′05.995"; C 24°56′26.996″ 80°29′08.996"; D 24°56′31.102″ 80°28′55.325"; A 24°56′21.104″ 80°28′52.331″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 21: A 24°56′53.006″ 80°27′46.997"; B 24°56′21.887″ 80°28′25.367"; C 24°56′35.002″ 80°28′36.003"; D 24°57′06.107″ 80°27′57.626"; A 24°56′53.006″ 80°27′46.997″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 22: A 24°57′35.001″ 80°27′14.999"; B 24°57′28.011″ 80°27′21.000"; C 24°57′33.999″ 80°27′27.997"; D 24°57′40.200″ 80°27′21.106"; A 24°57′35.001″ 80°27′14.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 23: A 24°58′58.154″ 80°26′03.911"; B 24°58′48.005″ 80°26′10.001"; C 24°58′52.853″ 80°26′18.090"; D 24°59′03.002″ 80°26′11.999"; A 24°58′58.154″ 80°26′03.911″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 24: A 24°59′17.009″ 80°24′32.999"; B 24°58′41.001″ 80°25′21.998"; C 24°58′57.591″ 80°25′34.186"; D 24°59′33.598″ 80°24′45.187"; A 24°59′17.009″ 80°24′32.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 25: A 24°59′44.008″ 80°25′38.999"; B 24°59′27.007″ 80°25′48.997"; C 24°59′32.665″ 80°25′58.610"; D 24°59′49.666″ 80°25′48.612"; A 24°59′44.008″ 80°25′38.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 26: A 25°01′00.006″ 80°21′55.002"; B 25°01′00.006″ 80°22′11.996"; C 25°01′18.010″ 80°22′11.996"; D 25°01′18.010″ 80°21′55.002"; A 25°01′00.006″ 80°21′55.002″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 27: A 25°01′34.997″ 80°23′12.998"; B 25°01′18.010″ 80°23′44.000"; C 25°01′22.493″ 80°23′46.473"; D 25°01′36.713″ 80°23′37.665"; E 25°01′46.657″ 80°23′19.390"; A 25°01′34.997″ 80°23′12.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 28: A 25°01′38.005″ 80°21′25.998"; B 25°01′28.461″ 80°21′46.158"; C 25°01′45.009″ 80°21′53.999"; D 25°01′54.553″ 80°21′33.839"; A 25°01′38.005″ 80°21′25.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 29: A 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′08.995"; B 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′17.997"; C 25°02′01.008″ 80°23′17.997"; D 25°02′01.008″ 80°23′08.995"; A 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′08.995″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 30: A 25°02′20.000″ 80°22′11.001"; B 25°02′10.003″ 80°22′50.002"; C 25°02′22.252″ 80°22′53.140"; D 25°02′32.250″ 80°22′14.138"; A 25°02′20.000″ 80°22′11.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 31: A 25°02′29.503″ 80°20′30.503"; B 25°02′16.498″ 80°20′43.501"; C 25°02′24.999″ 80°20′52.002"; D 25°02′38.004″ 80°20′38.997"; A 25°02′29.503″ 80°20′30.503″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 32: A 25°02′34.008″ 80°21′57.000"; B 25°02′34.008″ 80°22′14.997"; C 25°02′50.007″ 80°22′14.997"; D 25°02′50.007″ 80°21′57.000"; A 25°02′34.008″ 80°21′57.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 33: A 25°03′11.294″ 80°21′36.864"; B 25°03′02.540″ 80°21′43.143"; C 25°03′08.999″ 80°21′51.994"; D 25°03′17.446″ 80°21′45.554"; A 25°03′11.294″ 80°21′36.864″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 34: A 25°03′30.196″ 80°21′34.263"; B 25°03′39.267″ 80°21′29.506"; C 25°03′35.334″ 80°21′19.801"; D 25°03′26.200″ 80°21′24.304"; A 25°03′30.196″ 80°21′34.263″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 35: A 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′43.001"; B 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′54.997"; C 25°03′41.011″ 80°19′54.997"; D 25°03′41.011″ 80°19′43.001"; A 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′43.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 36: A 25°07′03.008″ 80°17′57.999"; B 25°07′03.008″ 80°18′10.002"; C 25°07′14.997″ 80°18′10.002"; D 25°07′14.997″ 80°17′57.999"; A 25°07′03.008″ 80°17′57.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 37: A 25°07′51.156″ 80°17′27.910"; B 25°07′35.857″ 80°17′37.091"; C 25°07′43.712″ 80°17′50.171"; D 25°07′59.011″ 80°17′40.998"; A 25°07′51.156″ 80°17′27.910″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 38: A 25°08′12.002″ 80°17′09.996"; B 25°07′55.001″ 80°17′26.997"; C 25°08′04.998″ 80°17′36.995"; D 25°08′22.000″ 80°17′20.000"; A 25°08′12.002″ 80°17′09.996″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 39: A 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′34.001"; B 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′45.997"; C 25°08′29.003″ 80°17′45.997"; D 25°08′29.003″ 80°17′34.001"; A 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′34.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 40: A 25°08′45.002″ 80°15′50.002"; B 25°08′37.999″ 80°15′56.998"; C 25°08′42.009″ 80°16′00.995"; D 25°08′48.999″ 80°15′53.998"; A 25°08′45.002″ 80°15′50.002".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 41: A 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′24.999"; B 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′35.999"; C 25°09′09.007″ 80°17′35.999"; D 25°09′09.007″ 80°17′24.999"; A 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′24.999".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 42: A 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′00.000"; B 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′09.997"; C 25°09′20.996″ 80°16′09.997"; D 25°09′20.996″ 80°16′00.000"; A 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′00.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 43: A 25°09′28.316″ 80°17′03.713"; B 25°09′14.006″ 80°17′17.000"; C 25°09′21.697″ 80°17′25.280"; D 25°09′36.006″ 80°17′12.001"; A 25°09′28.316″ 80°17′03.713".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 44: A 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′06.000"; B 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′17.000"; C 25°10′09.995″ 80°16′17.000"; D 25°10′09.995″ 80°16′06.000"; A 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′06.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 45: A 25°10′29.002″ 80°15′52.995"; B 25°10′29.002″ 80°16′04.002"; C 25°10′37.997″ 80°16′04.002"; D 25°10′37.997″ 80°15′52.995"; A 25°10′29.002″ 80°15′52.995".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 46: A 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′25.997"; B 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′38.000"; C 25°11′20.006″ 80°14′38.000"; D 25°11′20.006″ 80°14′25.997"; A 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′25.997".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 47: A 25°12′00.998″ 80°13′24.996"; B 25°11′43.008″ 80°13′35.000"; C 25°11′48.007″ 80°13′44.002"; D 25°12′06.011″ 80°13′33.998"; A 25°12′00.998″ 80°13′24.996".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 48: A 25°12′18.343″ 80°14′32.768"; B 25°12′02.001″ 80°14′44.001"; C 25°12′07.659″ 80°14′52.234"; D 25°12′24.001″ 80°14′41.001"; A 25°12′18.343″ 80°14′32.768".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 49: A 25°15′23.998″ 80°12′29.000"; B 25°15′04.676″ 80°12′36.120"; C 25°15′09.812″ 80°12′50.066"; D 25°15′29.148″ 80°12′42.946"; A 25°15′23.998″ 80°12′29.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 50. A 25°16′01.997″ 80°12′32.996"; B 25°15′33.419″ 80°12′52.394"; C 25°15′44.007″ 80°13′08.001"; D 25°16′12.585″ 80°12′48.597"; A 25°16′01.997″ 80°12′32.996".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 51: A 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′30.001"; B 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′41.001"; C 25°16′34.425″ 80°13′41.026"; D 25°16′41.850″ 80°13′37.475"; E 25°16′42.001″ 80°13′30.001"; A 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′30.001".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 52: A 25°17′04.715″ 80°12′11.305"; B 25°16′17.007″ 80°12′27.997"; C 25°16′23.997″ 80°12′47.999"; D 25°17′11.705″ 80°12′31.300"; A 25°17′04.715″ 80°12′11.305".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 53: A 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′40.000"; B 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′49.997"; C 25°17′33.005″ 80°12′49.997"; D 25°17′33.005″ 80°12′40.000"; A 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′40.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 54: A 25°20′57.996″ 80°09′50.000"; B 25°20′57.996″ 80°10′00.000"; C 25°21′07.005″ 80°10′00.000"; D 25°21′07.005″ 80°09′50.000"; A 25°20′57.996″ 80°09′50.000". Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 55: A 25°21′45.004″ 80°09′51.998"; B 25°21′38.124″ 80°09′56.722"; C 25°21′49.124″ 80°10′12.728"; D 25°21′56.004″ 80°10′07.997"; A 25°21′45.004″ 80°09′51.998".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 56: A 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′21.999"; B 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′31.996"; C 25°21′58.998″ 80°09′31.996"; D 25°21′58.998″ 80°09′21.999"; A 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′21.999".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 57: A 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′36.997"; B 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′48.999"; C 25°24′41.005″ 80°07′48.999"; D 25°24′41.005″ 80°07′36.997"; A 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′36.997".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 58: A 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′27.995"; B 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′44.001"; C 25°25′26.008″ 80°07′44.001"; D 25°25′26.008″ 80°07′27.995"; A 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′27.995".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 59: A 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′39.999"; B 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′50.999"; C 25°35′24.007″ 80°05′50.999"; D 25°35′24.007″ 80°05′39.999"; A 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′39.999". Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 60: A 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′43.000″; B 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′54.000″; C 25°41′06.550″, 80°05′53.980″; D 25°41′18.136″, 80°05′49.158″; E 25°41′18.001″, 80°05′43.000″; A 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′43.000″.
L&W Pinnacles and Scamp Reef
L & W Pinnacles and Scamp Reef HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 29°18.595′ 87°48.757′; 29°18.484′ 87°50.688′; 29°19.754′ 87°52.484′; 29°20.401′ 87°51.449′; 29°20.095′ 87°50.933′; 29°20.832′ 87°46.631′; 29°21.473′ 87°46.326′; 29°21.314′ 87°45.535′; 29°22.518′ 87°43.465′; 29°21.144′ 87°42.632′; 29°19.269′ 87°45.525′; 29°18.595′ 87°48.757′.Deployment of a bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the area of the HAPC.
Florida Middle Grounds
Florida Middle Grounds HAPC is the area bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: 28°42.5′ N 84°24.8′ W28°42.5′ N 84°16.3′ W28°11.0′ N 84°00.0′ W28°11.0′ N 84°07.0′ W28°26.6′ N 84°24.8′ W28°42.5′ N 84°24.8′ WDeployment of bottom longline, bottom trawl, dredge, pot, or trap is prohibited year-round.
EEZ Tortugas North
The area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: From point A at 24°40′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long. to point B at 24°46′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long. to point C at 24°46′00″ N. lat., 83°00′00″ W. long.; thence along the line denoting the seaward limit of Florida's waters, as shown on the current edition of NOAA chart 11434, to point A at 24°40′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long.Fishing for any species and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Devil's Hole Spawning SMZ
Devils Hole SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:32° 34.311' N 78° 34.996' W32° 34.311' N 78° 33.220' W32° 32.748' N 78° 33.220' W32° 32.748' N 78° 34.996' WFishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs.Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring ProhibitedFishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Cape Lookout Lophelia Banks
In Cape Lookout Lophelia Banks no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Cape Fear Lophelia Banks
In Cape Fear Lophelia Banks no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Spiny Lobster Florida EEZ – Diving Endorsement
- Season is currently open.
- Season Closed: April 01, 2025 – August 06, 2025
- Min. Size: 3 in Carapace Length
Trip Limit:
- The commercial daily harvest and possession limit of spiny lobster harvested by diving in or from the EEZ off Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Collier, and Lee Counties, Florida, is 250 spiny lobster per vessel. Other counties in Florida have no trip limit for spiny lobster harvest under a Diving Endorsement.
- Night divers restricted to 6 lobster bag limit off Florida
Measuring Device Requirements: No person may harvest or attempt to harvest a spiny lobster by diving in the EEZ unless he or she possesses, while in the water, a measuring device capable of measuring the carapace length. A spiny lobster captured by a diver must be measured in the water using such measuring device
Undersized Lobster: Undersized lobster must be released unharmed immediately without removal from water.
Berried Lobster: A berried (egg-bearing) spiny lobster in or from the EEZ must be returned immediately to the water unharmed.
Vessel Identification: All vessels used by persons commercially harvesting lobster by diving, scuba or snorkel must display the Commercial Dive Permit (CD#) on the vessel. Endorsement numbers on side of vessel must be at least 4 inches tall. Divers must permanently and conspicuously display a “divers down flag” placard on the vessel and affix the CD# to the diagonal stripe with 10″ numbers visible from the air and 4″ numbers visible from the water.
A Saltwater Products License, a Restricted Species Endorsement, a Spiny Lobster Endorsement, and a Diving Endorsement are required to commercially harvest spiny lobster using a bully net in federal waters off Florida. These permits are issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Get more information: https://myfwc.com/fishing/saltwater/commercial/spiny-lobster/
West Florida Wall
West Florida Wall HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 26°28.835′ 84°47.955′; 26°28.816′ 84°46.754′; 26°10.471′ 84°42.076′; 26°10.528′ 84°44.577′; 26°25.028′ 84°47.986′; 26°25.100′ 84°47.980′; 26°28.835′ 84°47.955′.Deployment of bottom-tending gear (bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot or trap) and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Warsaw Hole SMZ
Warsaw Hole SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 24° 22.277' 82° 20.417'; 24° 22.277' 82° 18.215'; 24° 20.932' 82° 18.215' 24° 20.932' 82° 20.417'.Fishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs. Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring prohibited.Fishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Tortugas South
Tortugas South area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 24°33′00″ 83°09′00″; 24°33′00″ 83°05′00″; 24°18′00″ 83°05′00″; 24°18′00″ 83°09′00″; 24°33′00″ 83°09′00″.Fishing for any species and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
The Edges
The Edges is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 28°51′ 85°16′; 28°51′ 85°04′; 28°14′ 84°42′; 28°14′ 84°54′; 28°51′ 85°16′.All fishing prohibited January through April. Possession of any fish species is prohibited January through April, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed.
Stetson-Miami Terrace
No person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Steamboat Lumps
Steamboat Lumps is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 28°14′ 84°48′; 28°14′ 84°37′; 28°03′ 84°37′; 28°03′ 84°48′'; 28°14′ 84°48′.Possession of Reef Fish prohibited year-round, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed. Possession of all fish is prohibited November through April, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed. All Fishing Prohibited with the exception of surface trawling which is allowed May through October.
South Cape Lookout Spawning SMZ
South Cape Lookout SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 33° 53.040' 76° 28.617'; 33° 52.019' 76° 27.798'; 33° 49.946' 76° 30.627'; 33° 51.041' 76° 31.424'.Fishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs.Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring ProhibitedFishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Shrimp Access Area 4
Shrimp Access Area 4 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 26°49′58″ 79°46′54″; A 26°48′58″ 79°46′56″; B 26°47′01″ 79°47′09″; C 26°46′04″ 79°47′09″; D 26°35′09″ 79°48′01″; E 26°33′37″ 79°48′21″; F 26°27′56″ 79°49′09″; G 26°25′55″ 79°49′30″; H 26°21′05″ 79°50′03″; I 26°20′30″ 79°50′20″; J 26°18′56″ 79°50′17″; K 26°18′56″ 79°48′37″; L 26°20′30″ 79°48′40″; M 26°21′05″ 79°48′08″; N 26°25′55″ 79°47′49″; O 26°27′56″ 79°47′29″; P 26°33′37″ 79°46′40″; Q 26°35′09″ 79°46′20″; R 26°46′04″ 79°45′28″; S 26°47′01″ 79°45′28″; T 26°48′58″ 79°45′15″; U 26°49′58″ 79°45′13″; Origin 26°49′58″ 79°46′54″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 3
Shrimp Access Area 3 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 28°14′00″ 79°46′20″; A 28°11′41″ 79°46′12″; B 28°08′02″ 79°45′45″; C 28°01′20″ 79°45′20″; D 27°58′13″ 79°44′51″; E 27°56′23″ 79°44′53″; F 27°49′40″ 79°44′25″; G 27°46′27″ 79°44′22″; H 27°42′00″ 79°44′33″; I 27°36′08″ 79°44′58″; J 27°30′00″ 79°45′29″; K 27°29′04″ 79°45′47″; L 27°27′05″ 79°45′54″; M 27°25′47″ 79°45′57″; N 27°19′46″ 79°45′14″; O 27°17′54″ 79°45′12″; P 27°12′28″ 79°45′00″; Q 27°07′45″ 79°46′07″; R 27°04′47″ 79°46′29″; S 27°00′43″ 79°46′39″; T 26°58′43″ 79°46′28″; U 26°57′06″ 79°46′32″; V 26°57′06″ 79°44′52″; W 26°58′43″ 79°44′47″; X 27°00′43″ 79°44′58″; Y 27°04′47″ 79°44′48″; Z 27°07′45″ 79°44′26″; AA 27°12′28″ 79°43′19″; AB 27°17′54″ 79°43′31″; AC 27°19′46″ 79°43′33″; AD 27°25′47″ 79°44′15″; AE 27°27′05″ 79°44′12″; AF 27°29′04″ 79°44′06″; AG 27°30′00″ 79°43′48″; AH 27°30′00″ 79°44′22″; AI 27°36′08″ 79°43′50″; AJ 27°42′00″ 79°43′25″; AK 27°46′27″ 79°43′14″; AL 27°49′40″ 79°43′17″; AM 27°56′23″ 79°43′45″; AN 27°58′13″ 79°43′43″; AO 28°01′20″ 79°44′11″; AP 28°04′42″ 79°44′25″; AQ 28°08′02″ 79°44′37″; AR 28°11′41″ 79°45′04″; AS 28°14′00″ 79°45′12″; Origin 28°14′00″ 79°46′20″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 2
Shrimp Access Area 2 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 29°08′00″ 79°59′43″; A 29°06′56″ 79°59′07″; B 29°05′59″ 79°58′44″; C 29°03′34″ 79°57′37″; D 29°02′11″ 79°56′59″; E 29°00′00″ 79°55′32″; F 28°56′55″ 79°54′22″; G 28°55′00″79°53′31″; H 28°53′35″ 79°52′51″; I 28°51′47″79°52′07″; J 28°50′25″ 79°51′27″; K 28°49′53″ 79°51′20″; L 28°49′01″ 79°51′20″; M 28°48′19″ 79°51′10″; N 28°47′13″ 79°50′59″; O 28°43′30″ 79°50′36″; P 28°41′05″ 79°50′04″; Q 28°40′27″ 79°50′07″; R 28°39′50″ 79°49′56″; S 28°39′04″79°49′58″; T 28°36′43″ 79°49′35″; U 28°35′01″ 79°49′24″; V 28°30′37″ 79°48′35″; W 28°30′37″ 79°47′27″; X 28°35′01″ 79°48′16″; Y 28°36′43″ 79°48′27″; Z 28°39′04″ 79°48′50″; AA 28°39′50″ 79°48′48″; AB 28°40′27″ 79°48′58″; AC 28°41′05″ 79°48′56″; AD 28°43′30″ 79°49′28″; AE 28°47′13″ 79°49′51″; AF 28°48′19″ 79°50′01″; AG 28°49′01″ 79°50′13″; AH 28°49′53″ 79°50′12″; AI 28°50′25″ 79°50′17″; AJ 28°51′47″ 79°50′58″; AK 28°53′35″ 79°51′43″; AL 28°55′00″ 79°52′22″; AM 28°56′55″ 79°53′14″; AN 29°00′00″ 79°54′24″; AO 29°02′11″ 79°55′50″; AP 29°03′34″ 79°56′29″; AQ 29°05′59″ 79°57′35″; AR 29°06′56″ 79°57′59″; AS 29°08′00″ 79°58′34″; Origin 29°08′00″ 79°59′43″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 1
Shrimp Access Area 1 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin30°06′30″ 80°02′2.4″; A 30°06′30″ 80°05′39.6″; B 30°03′00″ 80°09′30″; C 30°03′00″ 80°06′00″; D 30°04′00″80°02′45.6″; E 29°59′16″ 80°04′11″; F 29°49′12″ 80°05′44″; G 29°43′59″ 80°06′24″; H 29°38′37″ 80°06′53″; I 29°36′54″ 80°07′18″; J 29°31′59″80°07′32″; K 29°29′14″ 80°07′18″; L 29°21′48″ 80°05′01″; M 29°20′25″ 80°04′29″; N 29°20′25″ 80°03′11″; O 29°21′48″ 80°03′52″; P 29°29′14″ 80°06′08″; Q 29°31′59″ 80°06′23″; R 29°36′54″ 80°06′00″; S 29°38′37″ 80°05′43″; T 29°43′59″ 80°05′14″; U 29°49′12″ 80°04′35″; V 29°59′16″ 80°03′01″; W 30°06′30″ 80°00′53″; Origin 30°06′30″ 80°02′2.4″Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Roughtounge Reef
Roughtongue Reef HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 29°27.596′ 87°37.527′; 29°27.621′ 87°31.552′; 29°25.007′ 87°31.539′; 29°24.981′ 87°37.510′; 29°27.596′ 87°37.527′.Deployment of a bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the HAPC.
Pulley Ridge South Portion A
Pulley Ridge South Portion A HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 24°40.000′ 83°41.366′; 24°39.666′ 83°42.648′; 24°47.555′ 83°55.240′; 24°57.065′ 83°48.405′; 24°52.859′ 83°41.841′; 24°43.917′ 83°47.250′; 24°40.000′ 83°41.366′.Deployment of a bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the HAPC.
Pulley Ridge
Pulley Ridge HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: A 24°58′18″ 83°38′33″; B 24°58′18″ 83°37′00″; C 24°41′11″ 83°37′00″; D 24°40′00″ 83°41′22″; E 24°43′55″ 83°47′15″; A 24°58′18″ 83°38′33″.Deployment of bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, pot, or trap and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Pourtales Terrace
No person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Oculina Bank Habitat Area of Particular Concern
In the Oculina Bank HAPC, no person may:Use a bottom longline, bottom trawl, dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for or possess rock shrimp in or from the Oculina Bank HAPC, except a shrimp vessel with a valid commercial vessel permit for rock shrimp that possesses rock shrimp may transit through the Oculina Bank HAPC if fishing gear is appropriately stowed. For the purpose of this paragraph, transit means a direct and non-stop continuous course through the area, maintaining a minimum speed of five knots as determined by an operating VMS and a VMS minimum ping rate of 1 ping per 5 minutes; fishing gear appropriately stowed means that doors and nets are out of the water.
Madison Swanson
The Madison and Swanson sites are bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 29°17′ 85°50′; 29°17′ 85°38′; 29°06′ 85°38′; 29°06′ 85°50′; 29°17′ 85°50′.Fishing prohibited year-round. Possession of reef fish prohibited even for vessels in transit unless the vessel has an operating vessel monitoring system, a valid federal commercial Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Permit, and fishing gear is appropriately stowed. These prohibitions do not apply to Atlantic Highly Migratory Species.
Lobster Trap Gear Closed Areas
Fishing with spiny lobster trap gear is prohibited year-round in the following areas bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the points listed below:Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 1: A 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′00.000", B 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′19.994"; C 24°31′29.999″ 81°31′19.994"; D 24°31′29.999″ 81°31′00.000"; A 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′00.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 2: A 24°31′20.205″ 81°30′17.213"; B 24°31′17.858″ 81°30′27.700"; C 24°31′27.483″ 81°30′30.204"; D 24°31′29.831″ 81°30′19.483"; A 24°31′20.205″ 81°30′17.213″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 3: A 24°31′42.665″ 81°30′02.892"; B 24°31′45.013″ 81°29′52.093"; C 24°31′34.996″ 81°29′49.745"; D 24°31′32.335″ 81°30′00.466"; A 24°31′42.665″ 81°30′02.892″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 4: A 24°31′50.996″ 81°28′39.999"; B 24°31′50.996″ 81°29′03.002"; C 24°31′56.998″ 81°29′03.002"; D 24°31′56.998″ 81°28′39.999"; A 24°31′50.996″ 81°28′39.999″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 5: A 24°32′20.014″ 81°26′20.390"; B 24°32′13.999″ 81°26′41.999"; C 24°32′27.004″ 81°26′45.611"; D 24°32′33.005″ 81°26′23.995"; A 24°32′20.014″ 81°26′20.390″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 6: A 24°32′30.011″ 81°24′47.000"; B 24°32′23.790″ 81°24′56.558"; C 24°32′45.997″ 81°25′10.998"; D 24°32′52.218″ 81°25′01.433"; A 24°32′30.011″ 81°24′47.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 7: A 24°32′46.834″ 81°27′17.615"; B 24°32′41.835″ 81°27′35.619"; C 24°32′54.003″ 81°27′38.997"; D 24°32′59.002″ 81°27′21.000"; A 24°32′46.834″ 81°27′17.615″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 8: A 24°33′10.002″ 81°25′50.995"; B 24°33′04.000″ 81°26′18.996"; C 24°33′17.253″ 81°26′21.839"; D 24°33′23.254″ 81°25′53.838"; A 24°33′10.002″ 81°25′50.995″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 9: A 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′31.998"; B 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′41.000"; C 24°33′29.008″ 81°30′41.000"; D 24°33′29.008″ 81°30′31.998"; A 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′31.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 10: A 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′00.000"; B 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′09.998"; C 24°33′41.999″ 81°30′09.998"; D 24°33′41.999″ 81°30′00.000"; A 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′00.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 11: A 24°33′50.376″ 81°23′35.039"; B 24°33′27.003″ 81°24′51.003"; C 24°33′40.008″ 81°24′54.999"; D 24°34′03.382″ 81°23′39.035"; A 24°33′50.376″ 81°23′35.039″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 12: A 24°34′00.003″ 81°19′29.996"; B 24°34′00.003″ 81°20′04.994"; C 24°34′24.997″ 81°20′04.994"; D 24°34′24.997″ 81°19′29.996"; A 24°34′00.003″ 81°19′29.996″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 13: A 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′25.002"; B 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′34.999"; C 24°35′29.006″ 81°14′34.999"; D 24°35′29.006″ 81°14′25.002"; A 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′25.002″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 14: A 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′47.000"; B 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′58.000"; C 24°44′47.002″ 80°46′58.000"; D 24°44′47.002″ 80°46′47.000"; A 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′47.000″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 15: A 24°49′53.946″ 80°38′17.646"; B 24°48′32.331″ 80°40′15.530"; C 24°48′44.389″ 80°40′23.879"; D 24°50′06.004″ 80°38′26.003"; A 24°49′53.946″ 80°38′17.646″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 16: A 24°53′32.085″ 80°33′22.065"; B 24°53′38.992″ 80°33′14.670"; C 24°53′31.673″ 80°33′07.155"; D 24°53′24.562″ 80°33′14.886"; A 24°53′32.085″ 80°33′22.065″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 17: A 24°53′33.410″ 80°32′50.247"; B 24°53′40.149″ 80°32′42.309"; C 24°53′32.418″ 80°32′35.653"; D 24°53′25.348″ 80°32′43.302"; A 24°53′33.410″ 80°32′50.247″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 18: A 24°54′06.317″ 80°32′34.115"; B 24°53′59.368″ 80°32′41.542"; C 24°54′06.667″ 80°32′48.994"; D 24°54′13.917″ 80°32′41.238"; A 24°54′06.317″ 80°32′34.115″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 19: A 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′33.995"; B 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′45.002"; C 24°54′36.006″ 80°31′45.002"; D 24°54′36.006″ 80°31′33.995"; A 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′33.995″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 20: A 24°56′21.104″ 80°28′52.331"; B 24°56′17.012″ 80°29′05.995"; C 24°56′26.996″ 80°29′08.996"; D 24°56′31.102″ 80°28′55.325"; A 24°56′21.104″ 80°28′52.331″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 21: A 24°56′53.006″ 80°27′46.997"; B 24°56′21.887″ 80°28′25.367"; C 24°56′35.002″ 80°28′36.003"; D 24°57′06.107″ 80°27′57.626"; A 24°56′53.006″ 80°27′46.997″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 22: A 24°57′35.001″ 80°27′14.999"; B 24°57′28.011″ 80°27′21.000"; C 24°57′33.999″ 80°27′27.997"; D 24°57′40.200″ 80°27′21.106"; A 24°57′35.001″ 80°27′14.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 23: A 24°58′58.154″ 80°26′03.911"; B 24°58′48.005″ 80°26′10.001"; C 24°58′52.853″ 80°26′18.090"; D 24°59′03.002″ 80°26′11.999"; A 24°58′58.154″ 80°26′03.911″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 24: A 24°59′17.009″ 80°24′32.999"; B 24°58′41.001″ 80°25′21.998"; C 24°58′57.591″ 80°25′34.186"; D 24°59′33.598″ 80°24′45.187"; A 24°59′17.009″ 80°24′32.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 25: A 24°59′44.008″ 80°25′38.999"; B 24°59′27.007″ 80°25′48.997"; C 24°59′32.665″ 80°25′58.610"; D 24°59′49.666″ 80°25′48.612"; A 24°59′44.008″ 80°25′38.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 26: A 25°01′00.006″ 80°21′55.002"; B 25°01′00.006″ 80°22′11.996"; C 25°01′18.010″ 80°22′11.996"; D 25°01′18.010″ 80°21′55.002"; A 25°01′00.006″ 80°21′55.002″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 27: A 25°01′34.997″ 80°23′12.998"; B 25°01′18.010″ 80°23′44.000"; C 25°01′22.493″ 80°23′46.473"; D 25°01′36.713″ 80°23′37.665"; E 25°01′46.657″ 80°23′19.390"; A 25°01′34.997″ 80°23′12.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 28: A 25°01′38.005″ 80°21′25.998"; B 25°01′28.461″ 80°21′46.158"; C 25°01′45.009″ 80°21′53.999"; D 25°01′54.553″ 80°21′33.839"; A 25°01′38.005″ 80°21′25.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 29: A 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′08.995"; B 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′17.997"; C 25°02′01.008″ 80°23′17.997"; D 25°02′01.008″ 80°23′08.995"; A 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′08.995″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 30: A 25°02′20.000″ 80°22′11.001"; B 25°02′10.003″ 80°22′50.002"; C 25°02′22.252″ 80°22′53.140"; D 25°02′32.250″ 80°22′14.138"; A 25°02′20.000″ 80°22′11.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 31: A 25°02′29.503″ 80°20′30.503"; B 25°02′16.498″ 80°20′43.501"; C 25°02′24.999″ 80°20′52.002"; D 25°02′38.004″ 80°20′38.997"; A 25°02′29.503″ 80°20′30.503″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 32: A 25°02′34.008″ 80°21′57.000"; B 25°02′34.008″ 80°22′14.997"; C 25°02′50.007″ 80°22′14.997"; D 25°02′50.007″ 80°21′57.000"; A 25°02′34.008″ 80°21′57.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 33: A 25°03′11.294″ 80°21′36.864"; B 25°03′02.540″ 80°21′43.143"; C 25°03′08.999″ 80°21′51.994"; D 25°03′17.446″ 80°21′45.554"; A 25°03′11.294″ 80°21′36.864″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 34: A 25°03′30.196″ 80°21′34.263"; B 25°03′39.267″ 80°21′29.506"; C 25°03′35.334″ 80°21′19.801"; D 25°03′26.200″ 80°21′24.304"; A 25°03′30.196″ 80°21′34.263″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 35: A 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′43.001"; B 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′54.997"; C 25°03′41.011″ 80°19′54.997"; D 25°03′41.011″ 80°19′43.001"; A 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′43.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 36: A 25°07′03.008″ 80°17′57.999"; B 25°07′03.008″ 80°18′10.002"; C 25°07′14.997″ 80°18′10.002"; D 25°07′14.997″ 80°17′57.999"; A 25°07′03.008″ 80°17′57.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 37: A 25°07′51.156″ 80°17′27.910"; B 25°07′35.857″ 80°17′37.091"; C 25°07′43.712″ 80°17′50.171"; D 25°07′59.011″ 80°17′40.998"; A 25°07′51.156″ 80°17′27.910″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 38: A 25°08′12.002″ 80°17′09.996"; B 25°07′55.001″ 80°17′26.997"; C 25°08′04.998″ 80°17′36.995"; D 25°08′22.000″ 80°17′20.000"; A 25°08′12.002″ 80°17′09.996″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 39: A 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′34.001"; B 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′45.997"; C 25°08′29.003″ 80°17′45.997"; D 25°08′29.003″ 80°17′34.001"; A 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′34.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 40: A 25°08′45.002″ 80°15′50.002"; B 25°08′37.999″ 80°15′56.998"; C 25°08′42.009″ 80°16′00.995"; D 25°08′48.999″ 80°15′53.998"; A 25°08′45.002″ 80°15′50.002".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 41: A 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′24.999"; B 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′35.999"; C 25°09′09.007″ 80°17′35.999"; D 25°09′09.007″ 80°17′24.999"; A 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′24.999".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 42: A 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′00.000"; B 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′09.997"; C 25°09′20.996″ 80°16′09.997"; D 25°09′20.996″ 80°16′00.000"; A 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′00.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 43: A 25°09′28.316″ 80°17′03.713"; B 25°09′14.006″ 80°17′17.000"; C 25°09′21.697″ 80°17′25.280"; D 25°09′36.006″ 80°17′12.001"; A 25°09′28.316″ 80°17′03.713".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 44: A 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′06.000"; B 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′17.000"; C 25°10′09.995″ 80°16′17.000"; D 25°10′09.995″ 80°16′06.000"; A 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′06.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 45: A 25°10′29.002″ 80°15′52.995"; B 25°10′29.002″ 80°16′04.002"; C 25°10′37.997″ 80°16′04.002"; D 25°10′37.997″ 80°15′52.995"; A 25°10′29.002″ 80°15′52.995".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 46: A 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′25.997"; B 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′38.000"; C 25°11′20.006″ 80°14′38.000"; D 25°11′20.006″ 80°14′25.997"; A 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′25.997".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 47: A 25°12′00.998″ 80°13′24.996"; B 25°11′43.008″ 80°13′35.000"; C 25°11′48.007″ 80°13′44.002"; D 25°12′06.011″ 80°13′33.998"; A 25°12′00.998″ 80°13′24.996".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 48: A 25°12′18.343″ 80°14′32.768"; B 25°12′02.001″ 80°14′44.001"; C 25°12′07.659″ 80°14′52.234"; D 25°12′24.001″ 80°14′41.001"; A 25°12′18.343″ 80°14′32.768".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 49: A 25°15′23.998″ 80°12′29.000"; B 25°15′04.676″ 80°12′36.120"; C 25°15′09.812″ 80°12′50.066"; D 25°15′29.148″ 80°12′42.946"; A 25°15′23.998″ 80°12′29.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 50. A 25°16′01.997″ 80°12′32.996"; B 25°15′33.419″ 80°12′52.394"; C 25°15′44.007″ 80°13′08.001"; D 25°16′12.585″ 80°12′48.597"; A 25°16′01.997″ 80°12′32.996".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 51: A 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′30.001"; B 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′41.001"; C 25°16′34.425″ 80°13′41.026"; D 25°16′41.850″ 80°13′37.475"; E 25°16′42.001″ 80°13′30.001"; A 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′30.001".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 52: A 25°17′04.715″ 80°12′11.305"; B 25°16′17.007″ 80°12′27.997"; C 25°16′23.997″ 80°12′47.999"; D 25°17′11.705″ 80°12′31.300"; A 25°17′04.715″ 80°12′11.305".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 53: A 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′40.000"; B 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′49.997"; C 25°17′33.005″ 80°12′49.997"; D 25°17′33.005″ 80°12′40.000"; A 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′40.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 54: A 25°20′57.996″ 80°09′50.000"; B 25°20′57.996″ 80°10′00.000"; C 25°21′07.005″ 80°10′00.000"; D 25°21′07.005″ 80°09′50.000"; A 25°20′57.996″ 80°09′50.000". Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 55: A 25°21′45.004″ 80°09′51.998"; B 25°21′38.124″ 80°09′56.722"; C 25°21′49.124″ 80°10′12.728"; D 25°21′56.004″ 80°10′07.997"; A 25°21′45.004″ 80°09′51.998".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 56: A 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′21.999"; B 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′31.996"; C 25°21′58.998″ 80°09′31.996"; D 25°21′58.998″ 80°09′21.999"; A 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′21.999".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 57: A 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′36.997"; B 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′48.999"; C 25°24′41.005″ 80°07′48.999"; D 25°24′41.005″ 80°07′36.997"; A 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′36.997".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 58: A 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′27.995"; B 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′44.001"; C 25°25′26.008″ 80°07′44.001"; D 25°25′26.008″ 80°07′27.995"; A 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′27.995".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 59: A 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′39.999"; B 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′50.999"; C 25°35′24.007″ 80°05′50.999"; D 25°35′24.007″ 80°05′39.999"; A 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′39.999". Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 60: A 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′43.000″; B 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′54.000″; C 25°41′06.550″, 80°05′53.980″; D 25°41′18.136″, 80°05′49.158″; E 25°41′18.001″, 80°05′43.000″; A 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′43.000″.
Florida Middle Grounds
Florida Middle Grounds HAPC is the area bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: 28°42.5′ N 84°24.8′ W28°42.5′ N 84°16.3′ W28°11.0′ N 84°00.0′ W28°11.0′ N 84°07.0′ W28°26.6′ N 84°24.8′ W28°42.5′ N 84°24.8′ WDeployment of bottom longline, bottom trawl, dredge, pot, or trap is prohibited year-round.
EEZ Tortugas North
The area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: From point A at 24°40′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long. to point B at 24°46′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long. to point C at 24°46′00″ N. lat., 83°00′00″ W. long.; thence along the line denoting the seaward limit of Florida's waters, as shown on the current edition of NOAA chart 11434, to point A at 24°40′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long.Fishing for any species and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Devil's Hole Spawning SMZ
Devils Hole SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:32° 34.311' N 78° 34.996' W32° 34.311' N 78° 33.220' W32° 32.748' N 78° 33.220' W32° 32.748' N 78° 34.996' WFishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs.Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring ProhibitedFishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Cape Lookout Lophelia Banks
In Cape Lookout Lophelia Banks no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Cape Fear Lophelia Banks
In Cape Fear Lophelia Banks no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Blake Ridge Diapir
In Blake Ridge Diapir no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Spiny Lobster Florida EEZ – Trap Tags
- Season is currently open.
- Season Closed: April 01, 2025 – August 05, 2025
- Min. Size: 3 in Carapace Length
Trip Limit: None
Rules and regulations applicable to the possession of spiny lobster traps are in the Florida Administrative Code.
Undersized Lobster: Undersized lobster must be released unharmed immediately without removal from water. Undersized lobster caught via trap may be possessed in a live well on board. The live well must provide a minimum of 3⁄4 gallons (1.7 liters) of seawater per spiny lobster. Undersized lobster must be released alive and unharmed once leaving the trap lines. Only 50 undersized lobster are allowed plus one per trap.
Berried Lobster: A berried (egg-bearing) spiny lobster in or from the EEZ must be returned immediately to the water unharmed. Tap here for Spiny Lobster Closed Areas for Commercial Trap Fishing.
Trap Requirements: Commercial spiny lobster traps may be baited and placed in the water beginning on the Saturday immediately following the recreational mini season. Construction specifications:
- In the EEZ, a spiny lobster trap may be no larger in dimension than 3 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet (91.4 cm by 61.0 cm by 61.0 cm), or the volume equivalent.
- A trap constructed of material other than wood must have a panel constructed of wood, cotton, or other material that will degrade at the same rate as a wooden trap. Such panel must be located in the upper half of the sides or on top of the trap, so that, when removed, there will be an opening in the trap no smaller than the diameter found at the throat or entrance of the trap.
Tending restrictions:
- A spiny lobster trap in the EEZ may be pulled or tended during daylight hours only, that is, from 1 hour before official sunrise to 1 hour after official sunset.
- A spiny lobster trap in the EEZ may be pulled or tended only by the owner’s vessel, except that permission to pull or work traps belonging to another person may be granted For traps in the EEZ off Florida, by the Division of Law Enforcement, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Buoy & Vessel Identification: Endorsement numbers on side of vessel must be at least 4 inches tall.
The buoy color must be displayed on the side of the vessel in an 8 inch in diameter circle outlined in contrasting color. When viewing the vessel from the air, the buoy color must be displayed in a 20 inch diameter circle outlined in contrasting color with the endorsement number affixed beneath in numerals 10 inches tall or larger.
Licensing: A Saltwater Products License, a Restricted Species Endorsement, a Spiny Lobster Endorsement, and a trap tags are required to commercially harvest spiny lobster using a bully net in federal waters off Florida. These permits are issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Get more information: https://myfwc.com/fishing/saltwater/commercial/spiny-lobster/
West Florida Wall
West Florida Wall HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 26°28.835′ 84°47.955′; 26°28.816′ 84°46.754′; 26°10.471′ 84°42.076′; 26°10.528′ 84°44.577′; 26°25.028′ 84°47.986′; 26°25.100′ 84°47.980′; 26°28.835′ 84°47.955′.Deployment of bottom-tending gear (bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot or trap) and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Warsaw Hole SMZ
Warsaw Hole SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 24° 22.277' 82° 20.417'; 24° 22.277' 82° 18.215'; 24° 20.932' 82° 18.215' 24° 20.932' 82° 20.417'.Fishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs. Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring prohibited.Fishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Tortugas South
Tortugas South area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 24°33′00″ 83°09′00″; 24°33′00″ 83°05′00″; 24°18′00″ 83°05′00″; 24°18′00″ 83°09′00″; 24°33′00″ 83°09′00″.Fishing for any species and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
The Edges
The Edges is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 28°51′ 85°16′; 28°51′ 85°04′; 28°14′ 84°42′; 28°14′ 84°54′; 28°51′ 85°16′.All fishing prohibited January through April. Possession of any fish species is prohibited January through April, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed.
Stetson-Miami Terrace
No person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Steamboat Lumps
Steamboat Lumps is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 28°14′ 84°48′; 28°14′ 84°37′; 28°03′ 84°37′; 28°03′ 84°48′'; 28°14′ 84°48′.Possession of Reef Fish prohibited year-round, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed. Possession of all fish is prohibited November through April, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed. All Fishing Prohibited with the exception of surface trawling which is allowed May through October.
South Cape Lookout Spawning SMZ
South Cape Lookout SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 33° 53.040' 76° 28.617'; 33° 52.019' 76° 27.798'; 33° 49.946' 76° 30.627'; 33° 51.041' 76° 31.424'.Fishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs.Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring ProhibitedFishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Shrimp Access Area 4
Shrimp Access Area 4 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 26°49′58″ 79°46′54″; A 26°48′58″ 79°46′56″; B 26°47′01″ 79°47′09″; C 26°46′04″ 79°47′09″; D 26°35′09″ 79°48′01″; E 26°33′37″ 79°48′21″; F 26°27′56″ 79°49′09″; G 26°25′55″ 79°49′30″; H 26°21′05″ 79°50′03″; I 26°20′30″ 79°50′20″; J 26°18′56″ 79°50′17″; K 26°18′56″ 79°48′37″; L 26°20′30″ 79°48′40″; M 26°21′05″ 79°48′08″; N 26°25′55″ 79°47′49″; O 26°27′56″ 79°47′29″; P 26°33′37″ 79°46′40″; Q 26°35′09″ 79°46′20″; R 26°46′04″ 79°45′28″; S 26°47′01″ 79°45′28″; T 26°48′58″ 79°45′15″; U 26°49′58″ 79°45′13″; Origin 26°49′58″ 79°46′54″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 3
Shrimp Access Area 3 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 28°14′00″ 79°46′20″; A 28°11′41″ 79°46′12″; B 28°08′02″ 79°45′45″; C 28°01′20″ 79°45′20″; D 27°58′13″ 79°44′51″; E 27°56′23″ 79°44′53″; F 27°49′40″ 79°44′25″; G 27°46′27″ 79°44′22″; H 27°42′00″ 79°44′33″; I 27°36′08″ 79°44′58″; J 27°30′00″ 79°45′29″; K 27°29′04″ 79°45′47″; L 27°27′05″ 79°45′54″; M 27°25′47″ 79°45′57″; N 27°19′46″ 79°45′14″; O 27°17′54″ 79°45′12″; P 27°12′28″ 79°45′00″; Q 27°07′45″ 79°46′07″; R 27°04′47″ 79°46′29″; S 27°00′43″ 79°46′39″; T 26°58′43″ 79°46′28″; U 26°57′06″ 79°46′32″; V 26°57′06″ 79°44′52″; W 26°58′43″ 79°44′47″; X 27°00′43″ 79°44′58″; Y 27°04′47″ 79°44′48″; Z 27°07′45″ 79°44′26″; AA 27°12′28″ 79°43′19″; AB 27°17′54″ 79°43′31″; AC 27°19′46″ 79°43′33″; AD 27°25′47″ 79°44′15″; AE 27°27′05″ 79°44′12″; AF 27°29′04″ 79°44′06″; AG 27°30′00″ 79°43′48″; AH 27°30′00″ 79°44′22″; AI 27°36′08″ 79°43′50″; AJ 27°42′00″ 79°43′25″; AK 27°46′27″ 79°43′14″; AL 27°49′40″ 79°43′17″; AM 27°56′23″ 79°43′45″; AN 27°58′13″ 79°43′43″; AO 28°01′20″ 79°44′11″; AP 28°04′42″ 79°44′25″; AQ 28°08′02″ 79°44′37″; AR 28°11′41″ 79°45′04″; AS 28°14′00″ 79°45′12″; Origin 28°14′00″ 79°46′20″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 2
Shrimp Access Area 2 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 29°08′00″ 79°59′43″; A 29°06′56″ 79°59′07″; B 29°05′59″ 79°58′44″; C 29°03′34″ 79°57′37″; D 29°02′11″ 79°56′59″; E 29°00′00″ 79°55′32″; F 28°56′55″ 79°54′22″; G 28°55′00″79°53′31″; H 28°53′35″ 79°52′51″; I 28°51′47″79°52′07″; J 28°50′25″ 79°51′27″; K 28°49′53″ 79°51′20″; L 28°49′01″ 79°51′20″; M 28°48′19″ 79°51′10″; N 28°47′13″ 79°50′59″; O 28°43′30″ 79°50′36″; P 28°41′05″ 79°50′04″; Q 28°40′27″ 79°50′07″; R 28°39′50″ 79°49′56″; S 28°39′04″79°49′58″; T 28°36′43″ 79°49′35″; U 28°35′01″ 79°49′24″; V 28°30′37″ 79°48′35″; W 28°30′37″ 79°47′27″; X 28°35′01″ 79°48′16″; Y 28°36′43″ 79°48′27″; Z 28°39′04″ 79°48′50″; AA 28°39′50″ 79°48′48″; AB 28°40′27″ 79°48′58″; AC 28°41′05″ 79°48′56″; AD 28°43′30″ 79°49′28″; AE 28°47′13″ 79°49′51″; AF 28°48′19″ 79°50′01″; AG 28°49′01″ 79°50′13″; AH 28°49′53″ 79°50′12″; AI 28°50′25″ 79°50′17″; AJ 28°51′47″ 79°50′58″; AK 28°53′35″ 79°51′43″; AL 28°55′00″ 79°52′22″; AM 28°56′55″ 79°53′14″; AN 29°00′00″ 79°54′24″; AO 29°02′11″ 79°55′50″; AP 29°03′34″ 79°56′29″; AQ 29°05′59″ 79°57′35″; AR 29°06′56″ 79°57′59″; AS 29°08′00″ 79°58′34″; Origin 29°08′00″ 79°59′43″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 1
Shrimp Access Area 1 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin30°06′30″ 80°02′2.4″; A 30°06′30″ 80°05′39.6″; B 30°03′00″ 80°09′30″; C 30°03′00″ 80°06′00″; D 30°04′00″80°02′45.6″; E 29°59′16″ 80°04′11″; F 29°49′12″ 80°05′44″; G 29°43′59″ 80°06′24″; H 29°38′37″ 80°06′53″; I 29°36′54″ 80°07′18″; J 29°31′59″80°07′32″; K 29°29′14″ 80°07′18″; L 29°21′48″ 80°05′01″; M 29°20′25″ 80°04′29″; N 29°20′25″ 80°03′11″; O 29°21′48″ 80°03′52″; P 29°29′14″ 80°06′08″; Q 29°31′59″ 80°06′23″; R 29°36′54″ 80°06′00″; S 29°38′37″ 80°05′43″; T 29°43′59″ 80°05′14″; U 29°49′12″ 80°04′35″; V 29°59′16″ 80°03′01″; W 30°06′30″ 80°00′53″; Origin 30°06′30″ 80°02′2.4″Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Roughtounge Reef
Roughtongue Reef HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 29°27.596′ 87°37.527′; 29°27.621′ 87°31.552′; 29°25.007′ 87°31.539′; 29°24.981′ 87°37.510′; 29°27.596′ 87°37.527′.Deployment of a bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the HAPC.
Pulley Ridge South Portion A
Pulley Ridge South Portion A HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 24°40.000′ 83°41.366′; 24°39.666′ 83°42.648′; 24°47.555′ 83°55.240′; 24°57.065′ 83°48.405′; 24°52.859′ 83°41.841′; 24°43.917′ 83°47.250′; 24°40.000′ 83°41.366′.Deployment of a bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the HAPC.
Pulley Ridge
Pulley Ridge HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: A 24°58′18″ 83°38′33″; B 24°58′18″ 83°37′00″; C 24°41′11″ 83°37′00″; D 24°40′00″ 83°41′22″; E 24°43′55″ 83°47′15″; A 24°58′18″ 83°38′33″.Deployment of bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, pot, or trap and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Pourtales Terrace
No person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Oculina Bank Habitat Area of Particular Concern
In the Oculina Bank HAPC, no person may:Use a bottom longline, bottom trawl, dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for or possess rock shrimp in or from the Oculina Bank HAPC, except a shrimp vessel with a valid commercial vessel permit for rock shrimp that possesses rock shrimp may transit through the Oculina Bank HAPC if fishing gear is appropriately stowed. For the purpose of this paragraph, transit means a direct and non-stop continuous course through the area, maintaining a minimum speed of five knots as determined by an operating VMS and a VMS minimum ping rate of 1 ping per 5 minutes; fishing gear appropriately stowed means that doors and nets are out of the water.
Madison Swanson
The Madison and Swanson sites are bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 29°17′ 85°50′; 29°17′ 85°38′; 29°06′ 85°38′; 29°06′ 85°50′; 29°17′ 85°50′.Fishing prohibited year-round. Possession of reef fish prohibited even for vessels in transit unless the vessel has an operating vessel monitoring system, a valid federal commercial Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Permit, and fishing gear is appropriately stowed. These prohibitions do not apply to Atlantic Highly Migratory Species.
Lobster Trap Gear Closed Areas
Fishing with spiny lobster trap gear is prohibited year-round in the following areas bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the points listed below:Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 1: A 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′00.000", B 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′19.994"; C 24°31′29.999″ 81°31′19.994"; D 24°31′29.999″ 81°31′00.000"; A 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′00.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 2: A 24°31′20.205″ 81°30′17.213"; B 24°31′17.858″ 81°30′27.700"; C 24°31′27.483″ 81°30′30.204"; D 24°31′29.831″ 81°30′19.483"; A 24°31′20.205″ 81°30′17.213″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 3: A 24°31′42.665″ 81°30′02.892"; B 24°31′45.013″ 81°29′52.093"; C 24°31′34.996″ 81°29′49.745"; D 24°31′32.335″ 81°30′00.466"; A 24°31′42.665″ 81°30′02.892″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 4: A 24°31′50.996″ 81°28′39.999"; B 24°31′50.996″ 81°29′03.002"; C 24°31′56.998″ 81°29′03.002"; D 24°31′56.998″ 81°28′39.999"; A 24°31′50.996″ 81°28′39.999″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 5: A 24°32′20.014″ 81°26′20.390"; B 24°32′13.999″ 81°26′41.999"; C 24°32′27.004″ 81°26′45.611"; D 24°32′33.005″ 81°26′23.995"; A 24°32′20.014″ 81°26′20.390″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 6: A 24°32′30.011″ 81°24′47.000"; B 24°32′23.790″ 81°24′56.558"; C 24°32′45.997″ 81°25′10.998"; D 24°32′52.218″ 81°25′01.433"; A 24°32′30.011″ 81°24′47.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 7: A 24°32′46.834″ 81°27′17.615"; B 24°32′41.835″ 81°27′35.619"; C 24°32′54.003″ 81°27′38.997"; D 24°32′59.002″ 81°27′21.000"; A 24°32′46.834″ 81°27′17.615″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 8: A 24°33′10.002″ 81°25′50.995"; B 24°33′04.000″ 81°26′18.996"; C 24°33′17.253″ 81°26′21.839"; D 24°33′23.254″ 81°25′53.838"; A 24°33′10.002″ 81°25′50.995″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 9: A 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′31.998"; B 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′41.000"; C 24°33′29.008″ 81°30′41.000"; D 24°33′29.008″ 81°30′31.998"; A 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′31.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 10: A 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′00.000"; B 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′09.998"; C 24°33′41.999″ 81°30′09.998"; D 24°33′41.999″ 81°30′00.000"; A 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′00.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 11: A 24°33′50.376″ 81°23′35.039"; B 24°33′27.003″ 81°24′51.003"; C 24°33′40.008″ 81°24′54.999"; D 24°34′03.382″ 81°23′39.035"; A 24°33′50.376″ 81°23′35.039″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 12: A 24°34′00.003″ 81°19′29.996"; B 24°34′00.003″ 81°20′04.994"; C 24°34′24.997″ 81°20′04.994"; D 24°34′24.997″ 81°19′29.996"; A 24°34′00.003″ 81°19′29.996″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 13: A 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′25.002"; B 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′34.999"; C 24°35′29.006″ 81°14′34.999"; D 24°35′29.006″ 81°14′25.002"; A 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′25.002″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 14: A 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′47.000"; B 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′58.000"; C 24°44′47.002″ 80°46′58.000"; D 24°44′47.002″ 80°46′47.000"; A 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′47.000″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 15: A 24°49′53.946″ 80°38′17.646"; B 24°48′32.331″ 80°40′15.530"; C 24°48′44.389″ 80°40′23.879"; D 24°50′06.004″ 80°38′26.003"; A 24°49′53.946″ 80°38′17.646″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 16: A 24°53′32.085″ 80°33′22.065"; B 24°53′38.992″ 80°33′14.670"; C 24°53′31.673″ 80°33′07.155"; D 24°53′24.562″ 80°33′14.886"; A 24°53′32.085″ 80°33′22.065″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 17: A 24°53′33.410″ 80°32′50.247"; B 24°53′40.149″ 80°32′42.309"; C 24°53′32.418″ 80°32′35.653"; D 24°53′25.348″ 80°32′43.302"; A 24°53′33.410″ 80°32′50.247″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 18: A 24°54′06.317″ 80°32′34.115"; B 24°53′59.368″ 80°32′41.542"; C 24°54′06.667″ 80°32′48.994"; D 24°54′13.917″ 80°32′41.238"; A 24°54′06.317″ 80°32′34.115″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 19: A 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′33.995"; B 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′45.002"; C 24°54′36.006″ 80°31′45.002"; D 24°54′36.006″ 80°31′33.995"; A 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′33.995″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 20: A 24°56′21.104″ 80°28′52.331"; B 24°56′17.012″ 80°29′05.995"; C 24°56′26.996″ 80°29′08.996"; D 24°56′31.102″ 80°28′55.325"; A 24°56′21.104″ 80°28′52.331″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 21: A 24°56′53.006″ 80°27′46.997"; B 24°56′21.887″ 80°28′25.367"; C 24°56′35.002″ 80°28′36.003"; D 24°57′06.107″ 80°27′57.626"; A 24°56′53.006″ 80°27′46.997″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 22: A 24°57′35.001″ 80°27′14.999"; B 24°57′28.011″ 80°27′21.000"; C 24°57′33.999″ 80°27′27.997"; D 24°57′40.200″ 80°27′21.106"; A 24°57′35.001″ 80°27′14.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 23: A 24°58′58.154″ 80°26′03.911"; B 24°58′48.005″ 80°26′10.001"; C 24°58′52.853″ 80°26′18.090"; D 24°59′03.002″ 80°26′11.999"; A 24°58′58.154″ 80°26′03.911″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 24: A 24°59′17.009″ 80°24′32.999"; B 24°58′41.001″ 80°25′21.998"; C 24°58′57.591″ 80°25′34.186"; D 24°59′33.598″ 80°24′45.187"; A 24°59′17.009″ 80°24′32.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 25: A 24°59′44.008″ 80°25′38.999"; B 24°59′27.007″ 80°25′48.997"; C 24°59′32.665″ 80°25′58.610"; D 24°59′49.666″ 80°25′48.612"; A 24°59′44.008″ 80°25′38.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 26: A 25°01′00.006″ 80°21′55.002"; B 25°01′00.006″ 80°22′11.996"; C 25°01′18.010″ 80°22′11.996"; D 25°01′18.010″ 80°21′55.002"; A 25°01′00.006″ 80°21′55.002″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 27: A 25°01′34.997″ 80°23′12.998"; B 25°01′18.010″ 80°23′44.000"; C 25°01′22.493″ 80°23′46.473"; D 25°01′36.713″ 80°23′37.665"; E 25°01′46.657″ 80°23′19.390"; A 25°01′34.997″ 80°23′12.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 28: A 25°01′38.005″ 80°21′25.998"; B 25°01′28.461″ 80°21′46.158"; C 25°01′45.009″ 80°21′53.999"; D 25°01′54.553″ 80°21′33.839"; A 25°01′38.005″ 80°21′25.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 29: A 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′08.995"; B 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′17.997"; C 25°02′01.008″ 80°23′17.997"; D 25°02′01.008″ 80°23′08.995"; A 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′08.995″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 30: A 25°02′20.000″ 80°22′11.001"; B 25°02′10.003″ 80°22′50.002"; C 25°02′22.252″ 80°22′53.140"; D 25°02′32.250″ 80°22′14.138"; A 25°02′20.000″ 80°22′11.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 31: A 25°02′29.503″ 80°20′30.503"; B 25°02′16.498″ 80°20′43.501"; C 25°02′24.999″ 80°20′52.002"; D 25°02′38.004″ 80°20′38.997"; A 25°02′29.503″ 80°20′30.503″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 32: A 25°02′34.008″ 80°21′57.000"; B 25°02′34.008″ 80°22′14.997"; C 25°02′50.007″ 80°22′14.997"; D 25°02′50.007″ 80°21′57.000"; A 25°02′34.008″ 80°21′57.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 33: A 25°03′11.294″ 80°21′36.864"; B 25°03′02.540″ 80°21′43.143"; C 25°03′08.999″ 80°21′51.994"; D 25°03′17.446″ 80°21′45.554"; A 25°03′11.294″ 80°21′36.864″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 34: A 25°03′30.196″ 80°21′34.263"; B 25°03′39.267″ 80°21′29.506"; C 25°03′35.334″ 80°21′19.801"; D 25°03′26.200″ 80°21′24.304"; A 25°03′30.196″ 80°21′34.263″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 35: A 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′43.001"; B 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′54.997"; C 25°03′41.011″ 80°19′54.997"; D 25°03′41.011″ 80°19′43.001"; A 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′43.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 36: A 25°07′03.008″ 80°17′57.999"; B 25°07′03.008″ 80°18′10.002"; C 25°07′14.997″ 80°18′10.002"; D 25°07′14.997″ 80°17′57.999"; A 25°07′03.008″ 80°17′57.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 37: A 25°07′51.156″ 80°17′27.910"; B 25°07′35.857″ 80°17′37.091"; C 25°07′43.712″ 80°17′50.171"; D 25°07′59.011″ 80°17′40.998"; A 25°07′51.156″ 80°17′27.910″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 38: A 25°08′12.002″ 80°17′09.996"; B 25°07′55.001″ 80°17′26.997"; C 25°08′04.998″ 80°17′36.995"; D 25°08′22.000″ 80°17′20.000"; A 25°08′12.002″ 80°17′09.996″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 39: A 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′34.001"; B 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′45.997"; C 25°08′29.003″ 80°17′45.997"; D 25°08′29.003″ 80°17′34.001"; A 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′34.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 40: A 25°08′45.002″ 80°15′50.002"; B 25°08′37.999″ 80°15′56.998"; C 25°08′42.009″ 80°16′00.995"; D 25°08′48.999″ 80°15′53.998"; A 25°08′45.002″ 80°15′50.002".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 41: A 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′24.999"; B 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′35.999"; C 25°09′09.007″ 80°17′35.999"; D 25°09′09.007″ 80°17′24.999"; A 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′24.999".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 42: A 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′00.000"; B 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′09.997"; C 25°09′20.996″ 80°16′09.997"; D 25°09′20.996″ 80°16′00.000"; A 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′00.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 43: A 25°09′28.316″ 80°17′03.713"; B 25°09′14.006″ 80°17′17.000"; C 25°09′21.697″ 80°17′25.280"; D 25°09′36.006″ 80°17′12.001"; A 25°09′28.316″ 80°17′03.713".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 44: A 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′06.000"; B 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′17.000"; C 25°10′09.995″ 80°16′17.000"; D 25°10′09.995″ 80°16′06.000"; A 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′06.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 45: A 25°10′29.002″ 80°15′52.995"; B 25°10′29.002″ 80°16′04.002"; C 25°10′37.997″ 80°16′04.002"; D 25°10′37.997″ 80°15′52.995"; A 25°10′29.002″ 80°15′52.995".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 46: A 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′25.997"; B 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′38.000"; C 25°11′20.006″ 80°14′38.000"; D 25°11′20.006″ 80°14′25.997"; A 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′25.997".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 47: A 25°12′00.998″ 80°13′24.996"; B 25°11′43.008″ 80°13′35.000"; C 25°11′48.007″ 80°13′44.002"; D 25°12′06.011″ 80°13′33.998"; A 25°12′00.998″ 80°13′24.996".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 48: A 25°12′18.343″ 80°14′32.768"; B 25°12′02.001″ 80°14′44.001"; C 25°12′07.659″ 80°14′52.234"; D 25°12′24.001″ 80°14′41.001"; A 25°12′18.343″ 80°14′32.768".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 49: A 25°15′23.998″ 80°12′29.000"; B 25°15′04.676″ 80°12′36.120"; C 25°15′09.812″ 80°12′50.066"; D 25°15′29.148″ 80°12′42.946"; A 25°15′23.998″ 80°12′29.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 50. A 25°16′01.997″ 80°12′32.996"; B 25°15′33.419″ 80°12′52.394"; C 25°15′44.007″ 80°13′08.001"; D 25°16′12.585″ 80°12′48.597"; A 25°16′01.997″ 80°12′32.996".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 51: A 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′30.001"; B 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′41.001"; C 25°16′34.425″ 80°13′41.026"; D 25°16′41.850″ 80°13′37.475"; E 25°16′42.001″ 80°13′30.001"; A 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′30.001".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 52: A 25°17′04.715″ 80°12′11.305"; B 25°16′17.007″ 80°12′27.997"; C 25°16′23.997″ 80°12′47.999"; D 25°17′11.705″ 80°12′31.300"; A 25°17′04.715″ 80°12′11.305".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 53: A 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′40.000"; B 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′49.997"; C 25°17′33.005″ 80°12′49.997"; D 25°17′33.005″ 80°12′40.000"; A 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′40.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 54: A 25°20′57.996″ 80°09′50.000"; B 25°20′57.996″ 80°10′00.000"; C 25°21′07.005″ 80°10′00.000"; D 25°21′07.005″ 80°09′50.000"; A 25°20′57.996″ 80°09′50.000". Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 55: A 25°21′45.004″ 80°09′51.998"; B 25°21′38.124″ 80°09′56.722"; C 25°21′49.124″ 80°10′12.728"; D 25°21′56.004″ 80°10′07.997"; A 25°21′45.004″ 80°09′51.998".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 56: A 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′21.999"; B 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′31.996"; C 25°21′58.998″ 80°09′31.996"; D 25°21′58.998″ 80°09′21.999"; A 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′21.999".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 57: A 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′36.997"; B 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′48.999"; C 25°24′41.005″ 80°07′48.999"; D 25°24′41.005″ 80°07′36.997"; A 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′36.997".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 58: A 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′27.995"; B 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′44.001"; C 25°25′26.008″ 80°07′44.001"; D 25°25′26.008″ 80°07′27.995"; A 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′27.995".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 59: A 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′39.999"; B 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′50.999"; C 25°35′24.007″ 80°05′50.999"; D 25°35′24.007″ 80°05′39.999"; A 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′39.999". Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 60: A 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′43.000″; B 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′54.000″; C 25°41′06.550″, 80°05′53.980″; D 25°41′18.136″, 80°05′49.158″; E 25°41′18.001″, 80°05′43.000″; A 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′43.000″.
Florida Middle Grounds
Florida Middle Grounds HAPC is the area bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: 28°42.5′ N 84°24.8′ W28°42.5′ N 84°16.3′ W28°11.0′ N 84°00.0′ W28°11.0′ N 84°07.0′ W28°26.6′ N 84°24.8′ W28°42.5′ N 84°24.8′ WDeployment of bottom longline, bottom trawl, dredge, pot, or trap is prohibited year-round.
EEZ Tortugas North
The area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: From point A at 24°40′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long. to point B at 24°46′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long. to point C at 24°46′00″ N. lat., 83°00′00″ W. long.; thence along the line denoting the seaward limit of Florida's waters, as shown on the current edition of NOAA chart 11434, to point A at 24°40′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long.Fishing for any species and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Devil's Hole Spawning SMZ
Devils Hole SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:32° 34.311' N 78° 34.996' W32° 34.311' N 78° 33.220' W32° 32.748' N 78° 33.220' W32° 32.748' N 78° 34.996' WFishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs.Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring ProhibitedFishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Cape Lookout Lophelia Banks
In Cape Lookout Lophelia Banks no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Cape Fear Lophelia Banks
In Cape Fear Lophelia Banks no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Blake Ridge Diapir
In Blake Ridge Diapir no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Spiny Lobster Florida EEZ – Bully Net Endorsement
- Season is currently open.
- Season Closed: April 01, 2025 – August 05, 2025
- Min. Size: 3 in Carapace Length
- 250 qty Lobster Trip Limit
Trip Limit: 250 spiny lobster per day per vessel for spiny lobsters harvested by bully net in or from all federal waters off Florida.
Undersized Lobster: Undersized lobster must be released unharmed immediately without removal from water.
Berried Lobster: A berried (egg-bearing) spiny lobster in or from the EEZ must be returned immediately to the water unharmed.
Bully Net Requirements: An owner or operator of a vessel that is used to harvest spiny lobster by bully net:
- Must mark boats with the harvester’s Florida bully net permit number using reflective paint or other reflective material.
- Is prohibited from having trap pullers onboard.
- Is prohibited from the simultaneous possession of a bully net and any underwater breathing apparatus (not including dive masks or snorkels) onboard a vessel used to harvest or transport spiny lobster for commercial purposes
A Saltwater Products License, a Restricted Species Endorsement, a Spiny Lobster Endorsement, and a Bully Net Endorsement are required to commercially harvest spiny lobster using a bully net in federal waters off Florida. These permits are issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Get more information: https://myfwc.com/fishing/saltwater/commercial/spiny-lobster/
West Florida Wall
West Florida Wall HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 26°28.835′ 84°47.955′; 26°28.816′ 84°46.754′; 26°10.471′ 84°42.076′; 26°10.528′ 84°44.577′; 26°25.028′ 84°47.986′; 26°25.100′ 84°47.980′; 26°28.835′ 84°47.955′.Deployment of bottom-tending gear (bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot or trap) and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Warsaw Hole SMZ
Warsaw Hole SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 24° 22.277' 82° 20.417'; 24° 22.277' 82° 18.215'; 24° 20.932' 82° 18.215' 24° 20.932' 82° 20.417'.Fishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs. Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring prohibited.Fishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Tortugas South
Tortugas South area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 24°33′00″ 83°09′00″; 24°33′00″ 83°05′00″; 24°18′00″ 83°05′00″; 24°18′00″ 83°09′00″; 24°33′00″ 83°09′00″.Fishing for any species and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
The Edges
The Edges is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 28°51′ 85°16′; 28°51′ 85°04′; 28°14′ 84°42′; 28°14′ 84°54′; 28°51′ 85°16′.All fishing prohibited January through April. Possession of any fish species is prohibited January through April, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed.
Stetson-Miami Terrace
No person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Steamboat Lumps
Steamboat Lumps is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 28°14′ 84°48′; 28°14′ 84°37′; 28°03′ 84°37′; 28°03′ 84°48′'; 28°14′ 84°48′.Possession of Reef Fish prohibited year-round, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed. Possession of all fish is prohibited November through April, except when in transit with fishing gear stowed. All Fishing Prohibited with the exception of surface trawling which is allowed May through October.
South Cape Lookout Spawning SMZ
South Cape Lookout SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 33° 53.040' 76° 28.617'; 33° 52.019' 76° 27.798'; 33° 49.946' 76° 30.627'; 33° 51.041' 76° 31.424'.Fishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs.Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring ProhibitedFishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Shrimp Access Area 4
Shrimp Access Area 4 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 26°49′58″ 79°46′54″; A 26°48′58″ 79°46′56″; B 26°47′01″ 79°47′09″; C 26°46′04″ 79°47′09″; D 26°35′09″ 79°48′01″; E 26°33′37″ 79°48′21″; F 26°27′56″ 79°49′09″; G 26°25′55″ 79°49′30″; H 26°21′05″ 79°50′03″; I 26°20′30″ 79°50′20″; J 26°18′56″ 79°50′17″; K 26°18′56″ 79°48′37″; L 26°20′30″ 79°48′40″; M 26°21′05″ 79°48′08″; N 26°25′55″ 79°47′49″; O 26°27′56″ 79°47′29″; P 26°33′37″ 79°46′40″; Q 26°35′09″ 79°46′20″; R 26°46′04″ 79°45′28″; S 26°47′01″ 79°45′28″; T 26°48′58″ 79°45′15″; U 26°49′58″ 79°45′13″; Origin 26°49′58″ 79°46′54″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 3
Shrimp Access Area 3 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 28°14′00″ 79°46′20″; A 28°11′41″ 79°46′12″; B 28°08′02″ 79°45′45″; C 28°01′20″ 79°45′20″; D 27°58′13″ 79°44′51″; E 27°56′23″ 79°44′53″; F 27°49′40″ 79°44′25″; G 27°46′27″ 79°44′22″; H 27°42′00″ 79°44′33″; I 27°36′08″ 79°44′58″; J 27°30′00″ 79°45′29″; K 27°29′04″ 79°45′47″; L 27°27′05″ 79°45′54″; M 27°25′47″ 79°45′57″; N 27°19′46″ 79°45′14″; O 27°17′54″ 79°45′12″; P 27°12′28″ 79°45′00″; Q 27°07′45″ 79°46′07″; R 27°04′47″ 79°46′29″; S 27°00′43″ 79°46′39″; T 26°58′43″ 79°46′28″; U 26°57′06″ 79°46′32″; V 26°57′06″ 79°44′52″; W 26°58′43″ 79°44′47″; X 27°00′43″ 79°44′58″; Y 27°04′47″ 79°44′48″; Z 27°07′45″ 79°44′26″; AA 27°12′28″ 79°43′19″; AB 27°17′54″ 79°43′31″; AC 27°19′46″ 79°43′33″; AD 27°25′47″ 79°44′15″; AE 27°27′05″ 79°44′12″; AF 27°29′04″ 79°44′06″; AG 27°30′00″ 79°43′48″; AH 27°30′00″ 79°44′22″; AI 27°36′08″ 79°43′50″; AJ 27°42′00″ 79°43′25″; AK 27°46′27″ 79°43′14″; AL 27°49′40″ 79°43′17″; AM 27°56′23″ 79°43′45″; AN 27°58′13″ 79°43′43″; AO 28°01′20″ 79°44′11″; AP 28°04′42″ 79°44′25″; AQ 28°08′02″ 79°44′37″; AR 28°11′41″ 79°45′04″; AS 28°14′00″ 79°45′12″; Origin 28°14′00″ 79°46′20″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 2
Shrimp Access Area 2 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin 29°08′00″ 79°59′43″; A 29°06′56″ 79°59′07″; B 29°05′59″ 79°58′44″; C 29°03′34″ 79°57′37″; D 29°02′11″ 79°56′59″; E 29°00′00″ 79°55′32″; F 28°56′55″ 79°54′22″; G 28°55′00″79°53′31″; H 28°53′35″ 79°52′51″; I 28°51′47″79°52′07″; J 28°50′25″ 79°51′27″; K 28°49′53″ 79°51′20″; L 28°49′01″ 79°51′20″; M 28°48′19″ 79°51′10″; N 28°47′13″ 79°50′59″; O 28°43′30″ 79°50′36″; P 28°41′05″ 79°50′04″; Q 28°40′27″ 79°50′07″; R 28°39′50″ 79°49′56″; S 28°39′04″79°49′58″; T 28°36′43″ 79°49′35″; U 28°35′01″ 79°49′24″; V 28°30′37″ 79°48′35″; W 28°30′37″ 79°47′27″; X 28°35′01″ 79°48′16″; Y 28°36′43″ 79°48′27″; Z 28°39′04″ 79°48′50″; AA 28°39′50″ 79°48′48″; AB 28°40′27″ 79°48′58″; AC 28°41′05″ 79°48′56″; AD 28°43′30″ 79°49′28″; AE 28°47′13″ 79°49′51″; AF 28°48′19″ 79°50′01″; AG 28°49′01″ 79°50′13″; AH 28°49′53″ 79°50′12″; AI 28°50′25″ 79°50′17″; AJ 28°51′47″ 79°50′58″; AK 28°53′35″ 79°51′43″; AL 28°55′00″ 79°52′22″; AM 28°56′55″ 79°53′14″; AN 29°00′00″ 79°54′24″; AO 29°02′11″ 79°55′50″; AP 29°03′34″ 79°56′29″; AQ 29°05′59″ 79°57′35″; AR 29°06′56″ 79°57′59″; AS 29°08′00″ 79°58′34″; Origin 29°08′00″ 79°59′43″.Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Shrimp Access Area 1
Shrimp Access Area 1 is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: Origin30°06′30″ 80°02′2.4″; A 30°06′30″ 80°05′39.6″; B 30°03′00″ 80°09′30″; C 30°03′00″ 80°06′00″; D 30°04′00″80°02′45.6″; E 29°59′16″ 80°04′11″; F 29°49′12″ 80°05′44″; G 29°43′59″ 80°06′24″; H 29°38′37″ 80°06′53″; I 29°36′54″ 80°07′18″; J 29°31′59″80°07′32″; K 29°29′14″ 80°07′18″; L 29°21′48″ 80°05′01″; M 29°20′25″ 80°04′29″; N 29°20′25″ 80°03′11″; O 29°21′48″ 80°03′52″; P 29°29′14″ 80°06′08″; Q 29°31′59″ 80°06′23″; R 29°36′54″ 80°06′00″; S 29°38′37″ 80°05′43″; T 29°43′59″ 80°05′14″; U 29°49′12″ 80°04′35″; V 29°59′16″ 80°03′01″; W 30°06′30″ 80°00′53″; Origin 30°06′30″ 80°02′2.4″Within the Shrimp Fishery Access Areas in the Stetson-Miami Terrace CHAPC fishing with a shrimp trawl and/or shrimp possession is allowed by any vessel holding a rock shrimp limited access endorsement and equipped with an approved vessel monitoring system (VMS). Otherwise no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Roughtounge Reef
Roughtongue Reef HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 29°27.596′ 87°37.527′; 29°27.621′ 87°31.552′; 29°25.007′ 87°31.539′; 29°24.981′ 87°37.510′; 29°27.596′ 87°37.527′.Deployment of a bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the HAPC.
Pulley Ridge South Portion A
Pulley Ridge South Portion A HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points in order: 24°40.000′ 83°41.366′; 24°39.666′ 83°42.648′; 24°47.555′ 83°55.240′; 24°57.065′ 83°48.405′; 24°52.859′ 83°41.841′; 24°43.917′ 83°47.250′; 24°40.000′ 83°41.366′.Deployment of a bottom trawl, buoy gear, dredge, pot, or trap, and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels are prohibited year-round in the HAPC.
Pulley Ridge
Pulley Ridge HAPC is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: A 24°58′18″ 83°38′33″; B 24°58′18″ 83°37′00″; C 24°41′11″ 83°37′00″; D 24°40′00″ 83°41′22″; E 24°43′55″ 83°47′15″; A 24°58′18″ 83°38′33″.Deployment of bottom longline, bottom trawl, buoy gear, pot, or trap and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Pourtales Terrace
No person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Oculina Bank Habitat Area of Particular Concern
In the Oculina Bank HAPC, no person may:Use a bottom longline, bottom trawl, dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for or possess rock shrimp in or from the Oculina Bank HAPC, except a shrimp vessel with a valid commercial vessel permit for rock shrimp that possesses rock shrimp may transit through the Oculina Bank HAPC if fishing gear is appropriately stowed. For the purpose of this paragraph, transit means a direct and non-stop continuous course through the area, maintaining a minimum speed of five knots as determined by an operating VMS and a VMS minimum ping rate of 1 ping per 5 minutes; fishing gear appropriately stowed means that doors and nets are out of the water.
Madison Swanson
The Madison and Swanson sites are bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points: 29°17′ 85°50′; 29°17′ 85°38′; 29°06′ 85°38′; 29°06′ 85°50′; 29°17′ 85°50′.Fishing prohibited year-round. Possession of reef fish prohibited even for vessels in transit unless the vessel has an operating vessel monitoring system, a valid federal commercial Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Permit, and fishing gear is appropriately stowed. These prohibitions do not apply to Atlantic Highly Migratory Species.
Lobster Trap Gear Closed Areas
Fishing with spiny lobster trap gear is prohibited year-round in the following areas bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the points listed below:Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 1: A 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′00.000", B 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′19.994"; C 24°31′29.999″ 81°31′19.994"; D 24°31′29.999″ 81°31′00.000"; A 24°31′15.002″ 81°31′00.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 2: A 24°31′20.205″ 81°30′17.213"; B 24°31′17.858″ 81°30′27.700"; C 24°31′27.483″ 81°30′30.204"; D 24°31′29.831″ 81°30′19.483"; A 24°31′20.205″ 81°30′17.213″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 3: A 24°31′42.665″ 81°30′02.892"; B 24°31′45.013″ 81°29′52.093"; C 24°31′34.996″ 81°29′49.745"; D 24°31′32.335″ 81°30′00.466"; A 24°31′42.665″ 81°30′02.892″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 4: A 24°31′50.996″ 81°28′39.999"; B 24°31′50.996″ 81°29′03.002"; C 24°31′56.998″ 81°29′03.002"; D 24°31′56.998″ 81°28′39.999"; A 24°31′50.996″ 81°28′39.999″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 5: A 24°32′20.014″ 81°26′20.390"; B 24°32′13.999″ 81°26′41.999"; C 24°32′27.004″ 81°26′45.611"; D 24°32′33.005″ 81°26′23.995"; A 24°32′20.014″ 81°26′20.390″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 6: A 24°32′30.011″ 81°24′47.000"; B 24°32′23.790″ 81°24′56.558"; C 24°32′45.997″ 81°25′10.998"; D 24°32′52.218″ 81°25′01.433"; A 24°32′30.011″ 81°24′47.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 7: A 24°32′46.834″ 81°27′17.615"; B 24°32′41.835″ 81°27′35.619"; C 24°32′54.003″ 81°27′38.997"; D 24°32′59.002″ 81°27′21.000"; A 24°32′46.834″ 81°27′17.615″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 8: A 24°33′10.002″ 81°25′50.995"; B 24°33′04.000″ 81°26′18.996"; C 24°33′17.253″ 81°26′21.839"; D 24°33′23.254″ 81°25′53.838"; A 24°33′10.002″ 81°25′50.995″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 9: A 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′31.998"; B 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′41.000"; C 24°33′29.008″ 81°30′41.000"; D 24°33′29.008″ 81°30′31.998"; A 24°33′22.004″ 81°30′31.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 10: A 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′00.000"; B 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′09.998"; C 24°33′41.999″ 81°30′09.998"; D 24°33′41.999″ 81°30′00.000"; A 24°33′33.004″ 81°30′00.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 11: A 24°33′50.376″ 81°23′35.039"; B 24°33′27.003″ 81°24′51.003"; C 24°33′40.008″ 81°24′54.999"; D 24°34′03.382″ 81°23′39.035"; A 24°33′50.376″ 81°23′35.039″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 12: A 24°34′00.003″ 81°19′29.996"; B 24°34′00.003″ 81°20′04.994"; C 24°34′24.997″ 81°20′04.994"; D 24°34′24.997″ 81°19′29.996"; A 24°34′00.003″ 81°19′29.996″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 13: A 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′25.002"; B 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′34.999"; C 24°35′29.006″ 81°14′34.999"; D 24°35′29.006″ 81°14′25.002"; A 24°35′19.997″ 81°14′25.002″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 14: A 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′47.000"; B 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′58.000"; C 24°44′47.002″ 80°46′58.000"; D 24°44′47.002″ 80°46′47.000"; A 24°44′37.004″ 80°46′47.000″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 15: A 24°49′53.946″ 80°38′17.646"; B 24°48′32.331″ 80°40′15.530"; C 24°48′44.389″ 80°40′23.879"; D 24°50′06.004″ 80°38′26.003"; A 24°49′53.946″ 80°38′17.646″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 16: A 24°53′32.085″ 80°33′22.065"; B 24°53′38.992″ 80°33′14.670"; C 24°53′31.673″ 80°33′07.155"; D 24°53′24.562″ 80°33′14.886"; A 24°53′32.085″ 80°33′22.065″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 17: A 24°53′33.410″ 80°32′50.247"; B 24°53′40.149″ 80°32′42.309"; C 24°53′32.418″ 80°32′35.653"; D 24°53′25.348″ 80°32′43.302"; A 24°53′33.410″ 80°32′50.247″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 18: A 24°54′06.317″ 80°32′34.115"; B 24°53′59.368″ 80°32′41.542"; C 24°54′06.667″ 80°32′48.994"; D 24°54′13.917″ 80°32′41.238"; A 24°54′06.317″ 80°32′34.115″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 19: A 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′33.995"; B 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′45.002"; C 24°54′36.006″ 80°31′45.002"; D 24°54′36.006″ 80°31′33.995"; A 24°54′06.000″ 80°31′33.995″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 20: A 24°56′21.104″ 80°28′52.331"; B 24°56′17.012″ 80°29′05.995"; C 24°56′26.996″ 80°29′08.996"; D 24°56′31.102″ 80°28′55.325"; A 24°56′21.104″ 80°28′52.331″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 21: A 24°56′53.006″ 80°27′46.997"; B 24°56′21.887″ 80°28′25.367"; C 24°56′35.002″ 80°28′36.003"; D 24°57′06.107″ 80°27′57.626"; A 24°56′53.006″ 80°27′46.997″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 22: A 24°57′35.001″ 80°27′14.999"; B 24°57′28.011″ 80°27′21.000"; C 24°57′33.999″ 80°27′27.997"; D 24°57′40.200″ 80°27′21.106"; A 24°57′35.001″ 80°27′14.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 23: A 24°58′58.154″ 80°26′03.911"; B 24°58′48.005″ 80°26′10.001"; C 24°58′52.853″ 80°26′18.090"; D 24°59′03.002″ 80°26′11.999"; A 24°58′58.154″ 80°26′03.911″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 24: A 24°59′17.009″ 80°24′32.999"; B 24°58′41.001″ 80°25′21.998"; C 24°58′57.591″ 80°25′34.186"; D 24°59′33.598″ 80°24′45.187"; A 24°59′17.009″ 80°24′32.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 25: A 24°59′44.008″ 80°25′38.999"; B 24°59′27.007″ 80°25′48.997"; C 24°59′32.665″ 80°25′58.610"; D 24°59′49.666″ 80°25′48.612"; A 24°59′44.008″ 80°25′38.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 26: A 25°01′00.006″ 80°21′55.002"; B 25°01′00.006″ 80°22′11.996"; C 25°01′18.010″ 80°22′11.996"; D 25°01′18.010″ 80°21′55.002"; A 25°01′00.006″ 80°21′55.002″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 27: A 25°01′34.997″ 80°23′12.998"; B 25°01′18.010″ 80°23′44.000"; C 25°01′22.493″ 80°23′46.473"; D 25°01′36.713″ 80°23′37.665"; E 25°01′46.657″ 80°23′19.390"; A 25°01′34.997″ 80°23′12.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 28: A 25°01′38.005″ 80°21′25.998"; B 25°01′28.461″ 80°21′46.158"; C 25°01′45.009″ 80°21′53.999"; D 25°01′54.553″ 80°21′33.839"; A 25°01′38.005″ 80°21′25.998″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 29: A 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′08.995"; B 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′17.997"; C 25°02′01.008″ 80°23′17.997"; D 25°02′01.008″ 80°23′08.995"; A 25°01′53.001″ 80°23′08.995″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 30: A 25°02′20.000″ 80°22′11.001"; B 25°02′10.003″ 80°22′50.002"; C 25°02′22.252″ 80°22′53.140"; D 25°02′32.250″ 80°22′14.138"; A 25°02′20.000″ 80°22′11.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 31: A 25°02′29.503″ 80°20′30.503"; B 25°02′16.498″ 80°20′43.501"; C 25°02′24.999″ 80°20′52.002"; D 25°02′38.004″ 80°20′38.997"; A 25°02′29.503″ 80°20′30.503″. Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 32: A 25°02′34.008″ 80°21′57.000"; B 25°02′34.008″ 80°22′14.997"; C 25°02′50.007″ 80°22′14.997"; D 25°02′50.007″ 80°21′57.000"; A 25°02′34.008″ 80°21′57.000″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 33: A 25°03′11.294″ 80°21′36.864"; B 25°03′02.540″ 80°21′43.143"; C 25°03′08.999″ 80°21′51.994"; D 25°03′17.446″ 80°21′45.554"; A 25°03′11.294″ 80°21′36.864″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 34: A 25°03′30.196″ 80°21′34.263"; B 25°03′39.267″ 80°21′29.506"; C 25°03′35.334″ 80°21′19.801"; D 25°03′26.200″ 80°21′24.304"; A 25°03′30.196″ 80°21′34.263″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 35: A 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′43.001"; B 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′54.997"; C 25°03′41.011″ 80°19′54.997"; D 25°03′41.011″ 80°19′43.001"; A 25°03′26.001″ 80°19′43.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 36: A 25°07′03.008″ 80°17′57.999"; B 25°07′03.008″ 80°18′10.002"; C 25°07′14.997″ 80°18′10.002"; D 25°07′14.997″ 80°17′57.999"; A 25°07′03.008″ 80°17′57.999″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 37: A 25°07′51.156″ 80°17′27.910"; B 25°07′35.857″ 80°17′37.091"; C 25°07′43.712″ 80°17′50.171"; D 25°07′59.011″ 80°17′40.998"; A 25°07′51.156″ 80°17′27.910″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 38: A 25°08′12.002″ 80°17′09.996"; B 25°07′55.001″ 80°17′26.997"; C 25°08′04.998″ 80°17′36.995"; D 25°08′22.000″ 80°17′20.000"; A 25°08′12.002″ 80°17′09.996″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 39: A 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′34.001"; B 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′45.997"; C 25°08′29.003″ 80°17′45.997"; D 25°08′29.003″ 80°17′34.001"; A 25°08′18.003″ 80°17′34.001″.Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 40: A 25°08′45.002″ 80°15′50.002"; B 25°08′37.999″ 80°15′56.998"; C 25°08′42.009″ 80°16′00.995"; D 25°08′48.999″ 80°15′53.998"; A 25°08′45.002″ 80°15′50.002".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 41: A 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′24.999"; B 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′35.999"; C 25°09′09.007″ 80°17′35.999"; D 25°09′09.007″ 80°17′24.999"; A 25°08′58.007″ 80°17′24.999".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 42: A 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′00.000"; B 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′09.997"; C 25°09′20.996″ 80°16′09.997"; D 25°09′20.996″ 80°16′00.000"; A 25°09′10.999″ 80°16′00.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 43: A 25°09′28.316″ 80°17′03.713"; B 25°09′14.006″ 80°17′17.000"; C 25°09′21.697″ 80°17′25.280"; D 25°09′36.006″ 80°17′12.001"; A 25°09′28.316″ 80°17′03.713".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 44: A 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′06.000"; B 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′17.000"; C 25°10′09.995″ 80°16′17.000"; D 25°10′09.995″ 80°16′06.000"; A 25°10′00.011″ 80°16′06.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 45: A 25°10′29.002″ 80°15′52.995"; B 25°10′29.002″ 80°16′04.002"; C 25°10′37.997″ 80°16′04.002"; D 25°10′37.997″ 80°15′52.995"; A 25°10′29.002″ 80°15′52.995".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 46: A 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′25.997"; B 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′38.000"; C 25°11′20.006″ 80°14′38.000"; D 25°11′20.006″ 80°14′25.997"; A 25°11′05.998″ 80°14′25.997".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 47: A 25°12′00.998″ 80°13′24.996"; B 25°11′43.008″ 80°13′35.000"; C 25°11′48.007″ 80°13′44.002"; D 25°12′06.011″ 80°13′33.998"; A 25°12′00.998″ 80°13′24.996".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 48: A 25°12′18.343″ 80°14′32.768"; B 25°12′02.001″ 80°14′44.001"; C 25°12′07.659″ 80°14′52.234"; D 25°12′24.001″ 80°14′41.001"; A 25°12′18.343″ 80°14′32.768".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 49: A 25°15′23.998″ 80°12′29.000"; B 25°15′04.676″ 80°12′36.120"; C 25°15′09.812″ 80°12′50.066"; D 25°15′29.148″ 80°12′42.946"; A 25°15′23.998″ 80°12′29.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 50. A 25°16′01.997″ 80°12′32.996"; B 25°15′33.419″ 80°12′52.394"; C 25°15′44.007″ 80°13′08.001"; D 25°16′12.585″ 80°12′48.597"; A 25°16′01.997″ 80°12′32.996".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 51: A 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′30.001"; B 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′41.001"; C 25°16′34.425″ 80°13′41.026"; D 25°16′41.850″ 80°13′37.475"; E 25°16′42.001″ 80°13′30.001"; A 25°16′33.006″ 80°13′30.001".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 52: A 25°17′04.715″ 80°12′11.305"; B 25°16′17.007″ 80°12′27.997"; C 25°16′23.997″ 80°12′47.999"; D 25°17′11.705″ 80°12′31.300"; A 25°17′04.715″ 80°12′11.305".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 53: A 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′40.000"; B 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′49.997"; C 25°17′33.005″ 80°12′49.997"; D 25°17′33.005″ 80°12′40.000"; A 25°17′23.008″ 80°12′40.000".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 54: A 25°20′57.996″ 80°09′50.000"; B 25°20′57.996″ 80°10′00.000"; C 25°21′07.005″ 80°10′00.000"; D 25°21′07.005″ 80°09′50.000"; A 25°20′57.996″ 80°09′50.000". Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 55: A 25°21′45.004″ 80°09′51.998"; B 25°21′38.124″ 80°09′56.722"; C 25°21′49.124″ 80°10′12.728"; D 25°21′56.004″ 80°10′07.997"; A 25°21′45.004″ 80°09′51.998".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 56: A 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′21.999"; B 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′31.996"; C 25°21′58.998″ 80°09′31.996"; D 25°21′58.998″ 80°09′21.999"; A 25°21′49.000″ 80°09′21.999".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 57: A 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′36.997"; B 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′48.999"; C 25°24′41.005″ 80°07′48.999"; D 25°24′41.005″ 80°07′36.997"; A 25°24′31.008″ 80°07′36.997".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 58: A 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′27.995"; B 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′44.001"; C 25°25′26.008″ 80°07′44.001"; D 25°25′26.008″ 80°07′27.995"; A 25°25′14.005″ 80°07′27.995".Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 59: A 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′39.999"; B 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′50.999"; C 25°35′24.007″ 80°05′50.999"; D 25°35′24.007″ 80°05′39.999"; A 25°35′13.996″ 80°05′39.999". Lobster Trap Gear Closed Area 60: A 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′43.000″; B 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′54.000″; C 25°41′06.550″, 80°05′53.980″; D 25°41′18.136″, 80°05′49.158″; E 25°41′18.001″, 80°05′43.000″; A 25°40′57.003″, 80°05′43.000″.
Florida Middle Grounds
Florida Middle Grounds HAPC is the area bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: 28°42.5′ N 84°24.8′ W28°42.5′ N 84°16.3′ W28°11.0′ N 84°00.0′ W28°11.0′ N 84°07.0′ W28°26.6′ N 84°24.8′ W28°42.5′ N 84°24.8′ WDeployment of bottom longline, bottom trawl, dredge, pot, or trap is prohibited year-round.
EEZ Tortugas North
The area is bounded by rhumb lines connecting the following points: From point A at 24°40′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long. to point B at 24°46′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long. to point C at 24°46′00″ N. lat., 83°00′00″ W. long.; thence along the line denoting the seaward limit of Florida's waters, as shown on the current edition of NOAA chart 11434, to point A at 24°40′00″ N. lat., 83°06′00″ W. long.Fishing for any species and bottom anchoring by fishing vessels is prohibited year-round.
Devil's Hole Spawning SMZ
Devils Hole SMZ is bounded by rhumb lines connecting, in order, the following points:32° 34.311' N 78° 34.996' W32° 34.311' N 78° 33.220' W32° 32.748' N 78° 33.220' W32° 32.748' N 78° 34.996' WFishing for, possession, and retention of snapper grouper species is prohibited in the Spawning SMZs.Harvest and possession of other species, such as dolphin, mackerel, and tuna, would be allowed as other regulations dictate.Anchoring ProhibitedFishermen are allowed to transit with snapper grouper species onboard their vessel if their fishing gear is stowed according to regulations. Properly stowed means:Terminal gear (i.e., hook, leader, sinker, flasher, or bait) must be disconnected and stowed separately from automatic reel, bandit gear, buoy gear, hand-line, or rod and reel. Rod and reel must be removed from the rod holder and stowed securely on or below deck.Longline may be left on the drum if all gangions and hooks are disconnected and stowed below deck. Hooks cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear: however, buoys can remain on deck.A trawl or try net may remain on deck, but trawl doors must be disconnected from the net and must be secured. Note: This regulation may vary among protected areas and habitat areas of particular concern.A gill net, stab net, or trammel net must be left on the drum. Any additional such nets not attached to the drum must be stowed below deck.A crustacean trap, golden crab trap, or sea bass pot cannot be baited. All buoys must be disconnected from the gear; however, buoys can remain on deck.
Cape Lookout Lophelia Banks
In Cape Lookout Lophelia Banks no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Cape Fear Lophelia Banks
In Cape Fear Lophelia Banks no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
Blake Ridge Diapir
In Blake Ridge Diapir no person may:Use a bottom longline, trawl (mid-water or bottom), dredge, pot, or trap.If aboard a fishing vessel, anchor, use an anchor and chain, or use a grapple and chain.Fish for coral or possess coral in or from the Deepwater Coral HAPC on board a fishing vessel.
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